The Enviroment and You

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Date: 02.02.2015.

Forms: 8

Plan of the lesson

The theme of the lesson: ‘’The Environment and You’’

Aims of the lesson: a) Should модаль етістігін қолдану арқылы

сөйлем құрастыру.

Visual aids: Pictures

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organization moment: a) greeting

b)conversation with the duty

II. Checking up the homework.

III. Explaining new them. Ex 1 listen and read.

Reading Part II writing ,speaking.

Ex 2 learning vocabulary

I V . New words: preserv -сақтап қалу

an anviroment-қоршаған орта

educated –білімді адам

very likely-жақын арада

influence- асері

ecology -экология

includes - жандандыру

depends- маңызды


an anviroment-қоршаған орта

educated –білімді адам

very likely-жақын арада

influence- асері

ecology -экология

includes - жандандыру

depends- маңызды

interaction-бір-біріне қатысты


V. Conclusion:

1. Answer the questions

2. Make a Modal verb with new words

VI. Home task :

Level 1 Read the text

Level 2 New words

Level 3 Ex 8 p 66

VII. Marking.

The lesson is over !

I.The theme of the lesson: ‘’The USA ,Washington’’

II.Aims of thelesson: a) to introduce pupils

b) to develop pupils writing ,speaking and reading skills .

c) to enlarge pupils knowledge.

III. Visual aids: Pictures.

1. Organization moment: a) conversation with the duty

b) greeting

c) to check up on homework.

2. Checking the homework

a) translate

b) the new lesson “The USA ,Washington”


1.What is the population of Washington?

2.Whose name was the city named after?

3.When was the capital founded?

4.What can you tell about the capital?

5.Do you know any places of interesting Washington?


Washington, the capital of the USA, was founded in 1791.

The city was named after the first president George Washington.

The population of the city is nearly three million people.

The Capitol is the centre of the city.

It was built according to the plans of William Thornton, who was an amateur architect.

It is situated on Capitol Hill.

The White House is the place where the president of the USA lives and works.

This house was first occupied in 1800 by John Adams, who was the first president to live in that house.

The White House has 132 rooms.

Washington has many sights, for ex-ample, the Library of Congress, the Lincoln memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and others.

The National Gallery of Arts contains art collections by the great masters of the 14th to 18th centuries.

The Library of Congress contains millions of books and manuscripts.

Outside the city the Arlington National Cemetery is situated.

John Kennedy was buried there.

The famous Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is also situated there.

The industry of the city is not well developed.

But Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre.

Many research and designing institutes are concentrated here.

There are five universities in the city and the National Academy of Sciences.

In Washington it is also difficult to find a park or a square without a monument.

VII.To give home work .

Homework : r ead the text and learn the by heart.

The lesson is over good bye!

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