Theme: Whose T-shirt is this?

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

Date: The 23rd of January5th “V” grade

Theme: Whose T-shirt is this?

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: to introduce new words, to develop pupil’s speaking habits, to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary, to introduce clothes names;

Developing: to develop the pupils speaking, listening, writing habits;

Up - bringing: to develop in pupils love for the foreign language;

The form of the lesson: traditional lesson

The type of the lesson: mixed lesson

Methods: pair works, role - play, didactic play.

The visual aids: picture of the clothes, cards.

Literature: English by Ayapova

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

a) Greeting.

b) Talk to duty.

c) Talk about absents, etc.

II. Phonetic drills:

I have got a father,

I have got a mother,

I have got a sister

I have got a brother,

Father, mother, sister, brother,

Hand in hand with one another.

III. Checking-up the home-task:

Exercise 11, 12. P. 152.

IV. Presentation.

Grammar: Pronouns: mine, yours, hers, his, theirs.

Let’s we begin our new lesson. Pupil. Look at the board. Let’s read the title of our lesson

The theme is “Whose T-shirt is this?”

New words

Sock- [sCk] - шұлық T-shirt-['ti: ∫ә:t]- спорттық жейде

Trainers-['trinәz]-спроттық аяқ киім Jeans-[dჳi:nz]-джинсы

Skirt-[skә:t] юбка Sweater-[' swetә]жемпір

Roller skates-[ rәulB 'skeits]- роликті коньки

anorak- ['ænBræk] капюшенді күрте Trousers-['trauzәz]шалбар

shirt-[∫ә:t] жейдеTie-[tai]-галстук

cap-[kæp]- спроттық бас киім, тақия

pullover-['pul¸әuvә] пуловер, қалың жемпір

blouse-[blaus]-блузка, кофта /қыздар жейдесі

jacket-['dჳækit] жакет, күрте, кеудеше

shoe-[∫u:] туфли, бәтеңке hat-[hæt] қалпақ

Dress-[dres] әйел көйлегі

V. practice.

Exercise 1. Answers the questions:

Example: Whose ruler is this?

(Asel) It’s Asel’s.

Whose trainers are these?

(Colin) They are Colin’s

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