
Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


8th grade

The aim’s of the lesson:

  • 1.Оқушыларға саяхат тақырыбында жаңа сөздерді меңгерту, өз бетімен жұмыс істеуге баулу.
  • 2.Жеке тұлғаны тәрбиелеу, танымдық қызығушылықты дамыту, оқуылардың тыңдау, сөйлеу, жазу, аудару қабілеттерін арттыру.
  • 3.Әрбір оқушының бойында Отанға, туған жерге, тілге деген сүйіспеншілігін ояту.

The type of the lesson: new lesson

Visual aids: a map, pictures, cards, an interactive board

The procedure of the lesson.

  • I.Organization moment
  • -Greeting
  • -Routine talk
  • II.Checking- up the home task.
  • III.The new lesson.
  • -Let’s begin our lesson. Take out your books, pens and notebooks. Get ready for the new lesson. The theme of our lesson is “Travelling”. Listen to the text about “Travelling”. On the interactive board there are pictures connected with the theme.
  • -Translate please the proverbs about travelling:
  • “So many countries, so many customs” , “Home is were the heart is”, “East of west, home is best”
  • -Do you know any other Kazakh and Russian proverbs about travelling?
  • -Match English words with their Kazakh translation.
  • Tour-
  • Coach-
  • Sightseeing-
  • Prefer-
  • Advantage-
  • Nearby-
  • Hiking-


  • -Complete the sentences.
  • Prefer, travelling, hiking, expensive, development, a lot of things, coach, tours.
  • 1)The whole world is open for …
  • 2)We know that travelling by plane is very …
  • 3)… are not very expensive.
  • 4)Many people … travelling by car.
  • 5)Hiking is a great … for a lover of nature.
  • 6)Travelling is of a great use for the … of a person.

YII.Concluding stage.

  • -Answer the questions to summarize the new theme.
  • -Putting the marks.

YIII.Home task.

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Просмотров: 84

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