Урок английского языка по теме: ""Защита окружающей среды

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы
Teacher: On our lesson we shall speak about the environmental problems in our country, about the protection of nature and what must we do to make the world a better place.    But first of all, tell me please what does the world «ecology» mean? Pupil(1): Ecology is a science about nature and about relations of man with it.     Pupil(2 ):  Practically, it is a science studying whether we, human beings, keep our common house, our planet Earth, in a good state and how we use the gifts it is giving us: water, air, land, plants, animals and minerals.     Pupil(3): Ecology is a science which studies the relation ship between all forms of life an our planet with it’s environment.
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