Урок по английскому языку для 7класса1»Holiday postcards»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы
  The Theme of the lesson: “Holiday postcards”           7 - сынып The objectives:        a) educational  • to introduce the students with the holiday postcards • to enrich their vocabulary.                                   b) developing • to enlarge country studying knowledge & practice. • to express their point of view. • to improve students’ study skills.                                                     c) bringing up •to arise students’ interest to the subject. The methods: Team teaching & critical thinking.   The materials: photos, pictures, videos & interactive board. The connection between subjects: Kazakh, Russian Plan: I. Organization moment II. Phonetic drill III. Checking up the hometask IV. Supposition Strategy V. Organization Strategy VI. Holiday postcards VII. Supposition Strategy II VIII. Working on the exercises IX. Writing postcards X. I’ve learnt Strategy XI. Hometask XII. Conclusion I. Organization moment Good morning, children! Good morning, teacher! Sit down, please! Who is on duty today? I am on duty today Who is absent? All are present II. Phonetic drill Let’s take our phonetic drill First I’ll read then you’ll repeat after me! III. Checking up the hometask What was your hometask for today? P1: To revise modal verbs Let’s do tasks on computer (Балалар тапсырма орындайды, мұғалім тексереді). IV. Supposition Strategy Now, look through the postcards and say what about is it? P1: about life P2: about wishes P3: about postcards T: yes, quite right this poem is about postcards Today we are going to speak about holiday postcards Where were you in your summer holidays? Dana: I was in Kokshetau Rabiga: I was in Shymkent Did you like your summer holidays? What are the most popular places of Kazakhstan do you know?? V. Organization Strategy VI. Holiday postcards T: Look at the blackboard. There are some postcards about the most popular places of Kazakhstan. (Мұғалім оқиды, балалар оқиды, сұрақтар қояды) 1. Where is Olga? 2. Does she enjoy this place? VII. Supposition Strategy II T: Now, look through the postcards and find the adjectives. P1: beautiful P2: hot P3: nice T: Now your task is to make up the sentences using these words VIII. Working on the exercises T: Now let’s do exercises. Ex3 on p131 (Балалар оқиды, мұғалім тексереді) T: Ex6 p132 read the conversation IX. Writing postcards T: Now let’s write holiday postcards about your summer holidays. (Мұғалім открытка үлестіреді, сосын балалар оқиды.) X. I’ve learnt Strategy T: Now I give you semantic cards your task is to complete them. XI. Hometask T: Your hometask is to learn by heart the conversation. XII. Conclusion T: Today you have known about holiday postcards. You have learnt how to write holiday postcards. You’ve been very active and nice! I give you good marks according to your participation. You should love your country and the sights. You should be polite and friendly with each other and respect each other. Our lesson is over! Good - bye!
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