Урок по английскому языку на тему "Revision of the Gerund "

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


Plan of the Lesson

Form 10 “A”

Theme: “Revision of the Gerund”

Aims:    To revise the Gerund and to teach them to use the Gerund with Modal

             Verb “Need”      

To practice pupils’ knowledge of the Gerund through doing various tasks;

              To form the pupils’ writing, speaking and reading skills;

Type:   Revision

Outline of the Lesson

Organization Moment  

·        Greeting

·        Marking absents

Checking up the home task      Ex 6, P 68 Make up sentences using the dictionary from the ex 5.

1)    I dislike watching horror films.

2)    I enjoy making new friends.

3)    I would like to give up smoking.

4)    I don’t mind standing in crowded buses.

5)    I often try to put off waiting at the doctor’s.

6)    I don’t like to risk borrowing money.

Warm up



New theme    Revision of the Gerund

·        Answer the following questions:

1)    What can you say about the Gerund? (It’s a non – finite form of the verb. It has the meaning of a verb and a noun)

2)     How can it be used? (It can be used)


¨     Write Gerund form

To influence, to recite, to play, to study, to enjoy, to run, to begin, to put, to conduct, to sit, to stay.

¨                 Use the words to make the word combinations.


¨     Translate into English using gerund

Мен ерте тұрғанды ұнатпаймын.

Мен қате жіберуден қорқамын.

Маған көмектескеніңе рахмет.

Теледидардан футбол көру қызық емес.

¨     New information

Need + Gerund

Your shirt needs washing= You should wash your shirt. (Жейдеңіз жууды қажет етеді.)

Your room is untidy = Your room needs cleaning. (Бөлмеңіз тазалауды қажет етеді)

The flowers are dry = Theyneedwatering.

The grass is too long = Itneeds cutting.

My TV isn’t working = It needs repairing.

Look at the picture and say. What needs doing?



I want you to be always active and hard – working pupils. So, the lesson is over!


            Good – bye!

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