Урок по чтению с использованием аутентичного материала

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Lesson stage/

Time interaction



Advisor’s Comments

1warm –up 3-5 min

T-S1/S2/S1-S2/S3-S4 Taboo game






1 lead in T-S1-S2 3-5 min.










2 Pre- reading T-S1-SS2/3

  3-5 min





3reading  for gist T-S1-S2/S3-S4 3-5 min






5 reading for details 5 min








6 Speaking 5-7min-s2/small groups S1-S2-S3









7 Grammar eliciting

5-7min S1-S2/S3-S4






8 Grammar clarification

S-S -5-7min









9 grammar practicing (grammar game)small groups









!10 reflection S1-S2-S3-T

2-3 min

To develop enthusiasm ,to revise voc from the unit







To engage SS in the topic of the lesson.






To prepare SS to read the text for gist and then for details.  To elicit vocabulary.



To practice reading for gist/








To practice reading for details







To develop SS speaking skills





To elicit SS knowledge of the target grammar(relative clause)


To clarify usage of this grammar structures





To practice using target grammar






To let SS analyze the structure and its usage


SS are given cards with different movies and cartoons they should guess what is on their cards other ss give them hints( not using taboo words)





SS watch an authentic video clip from “Ratatoille” cartoon and discuss the points in pairs

Ex1What do you know about the film/the plot/the main characters. feed back from some pairs.


SS watch PPP 6 slides and try to elicit vocabulary (T.usesCCQs)



T.would you like to find out where your predictions right so go through the text and find the answers (the text is cut into two parts)


SS discuss in pairs/feed back from S1 about S2


SS are given only a part of the big text he/she should

fill in the table(after the second reading  they make a brief summary   and tells it to his partner/they make notes into  the table and discuss them



SS make a riddle /a film revue without a title or names and let other team guess the name /If it guesses then it gets a score

SS can use their notes on the text


SS use the context and finish the sentences with relative pronouns (hand outs)  /find as many examples  as they can/discuss in pairs/discuss with a partner using notes/

Eg/He wants to make food …

     L. is a man …

T.”Give me an example of this structure

SSwork out the formula of it. then find 5 more examples in the context/explain its function and meaning(using analyses box)discuss in pairs .



feed back from pairs/


each team is given a card with beginning of some sentences in relative clause /the endings are sticked  round the room and they are less in numbers.

SS walk round the class and try to find them and finish the sentences /the team that finishes first wins.



Ss explain the usage of Relative clause using their notes and analysis box/give examples from the game.















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Просмотров: 75

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