Урок в 5 классе на тему Fruit and Berries

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Урок в 5 классе на тему: Fruit and Berries

Theme: Fruit and Berries


1.     To systematize pupils’ knowledge on the theme;

2.     To stimulate pupils’ interest in the subject;

3.     To develop pupils’ creativeness;


I.                   Warming up

Hello, boys and girls! Today we’re going to have a very “tasty” lesson. I am sure that you’ll like the theme of our lesson. Look at the pictures on the blackboard and try to guess what our today’s theme is. (The pictures of fruit). Right you are. We’ll speak about fruit.

II.                 Lexis repetition

I propose you to start our working with very pleasant task. I offer you to listen to the music and think of the colors associated in your mind with different fruit. Write them down, please. You can see the colors on the blackboard.

-         Red – strawberry, apple…

-         Yellow – melon, banana, lemon…

-         Green – water-melon, gooseberry…

-         Orange – grape-fruit, tangerine…

-         Blue – grapes…

-         Brown – pine-apple…

-         Black – currant, blackberry…

-         Rosy – raspberry, pomegranate…

And now, will you make up and write down the sentences with this words?

III.              A game

And now, I think we can play a little. I need one person for this game. We have some sheets of paper with names of fruit and berries. I’ll stick one of this sheets on somebody’s back. The person doesn’t know the word. He/she may ask different general questions about color, shape or taste, and all others should answer only “yes” or “no”.

Here are the following examples of the questions:

-         Am I yellow (green, red, etc.)?

-         Am I big (small, oval, etc.)?

-         Am I tasty (sour, bitter, sweet, etc.)?

IV.              Creative task

And now, you’ll do your favorite task. You’ll draw. Will you draw an orchard? It should be a big picture. Don’t worry about your painting, the worse you draw the better it is for our exercise. So, I’ll dictate many words, and you should write down the relevant ones on the appropriate places in your drawings. But you should take down only the words that fit your picture.



So much










Hard to reach




In the south









Good to eat






Now you may add any other words of your own if you want to. And now will you change your drawings with your neighbor and describe each other’s pictures? Thanks a lot.

V.                Reading

It’ll be the last task for today. You are going to read a very interesting story but it will be cut into some parts. Your task is go gather all its parts together in the right order. But at first we’ll divide our group onto three subgroups. There are cards with apples, pears and bananas. Choose any card you like and change your seats. So, it should be a group work. In five minutes we’ll see which team will be the first. Let’s start.


The orange-tree grows in the south. It is a fine tall tree with shining green leaves. It is covered at the same time with white flowers and with golden fruit.

The orange-tree lives very long, and it gives fruit more than four hundred years. One tree can give twenty-five thousand oranges.

The fruit does not ripen till spring, and it is on the tree till the blossoms of another crop.

When oranges are ripe, they are sweet and good to eat. Now we can listen to the winners.

VI.              Summarizing

Thank you very much for your work today. I’d like to know what tasks were the most interesting for you and why?

VII.           Home task

As for your marks they are the following. And for the next lesson you have to make up your own riddles about fruit or berries. Good luck and see you tomorrow.



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