Внеклассное меронриятие по английскому языку"The Weakest Link" 9 form

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

"The Weakest Link"

На сцене находятся тумбы для участников игры. На тумбах крупными буквами написаны имена участников на английском языке. Справа место ведущего. Внизу перед сценой место для жюри. В игре принимают участие учащиеся 9-го класса.

Ведущий:Good afternoon, dear friends! We are glad to greet you now in this beautiful hall at our game 'The Weakest Link". Look around. There are a lot of guests today. They are your teachers, classmates, members of jury and participants of the game. Our stage is colourfully decorated with placards, pictures and posters made by pupils of junior forms. Our game is devoted to the USA and particularly to its greatest holiday- Thanksgiving Day.

 (Краткий рассказ учителя о дне Благодарения для ребят, изучающих немецкий язык, на русском языке.)Now let's begin our game "The Weakest Link". Participants of the game, you're welcome to the stage! Take your places! Dear participants, introduce yourselves to the public! (Участники игры рассказывают о себе.)


Pupil 1:My name is Sveta. My surname is Petrova. I'm a pupil of the 9 th form. I study at school number 12. My favourite subjects are English and Literature. After leaving school I'm going to become a student of the Kemerovo State University. I like English very much and want to win this game.

 Ведущий объясняет правила игры: Listen to the rules of the game, please. Every participant must answer a question and if the answer is right you get one point. There are 3 questions in every round. The weakest link is that player who got the least points. Our jury watches the game and tells us the score. But the members of the team should also decide who the weakest link is. And this player leaves the stage.

Now I'd like to introduce you the members of our jury who will help us to judge the contest. They are: (Ведущий представляет членов жюри) Let's greet them. So begin our game "The Weakest Link".


В первом раунде участвуют 6 человек.Вопросы первого раунда:

•          Who discovered America? (Columbus)

•          Who was the first president of the USA? (Washington)

•          What is the symbol of America?( bald eagle)

•          What is the capital of the USA? (Washington)

•          Where is the statue of Liberty situated? (New York)

•          How many stripes are there on the American flag? (13)

•          Where is the highest building in the USA? (Chicago)

•          When is the Independence Day celebrated? (4, July)

•          Name the national American sport, (baseball)

•          Who was the first man on the moon? (Neil Armstrong)

•          Who was Martin Luther King? (the minister)

•          How many states are there in the USA? (51)

•          What is the national American drink? (coca-cola)

•          Who comes to children on Christmas? (Santa Claus)

•          What holiday is celebrated on the 31 st of October? (Halloween)

•          What holiday does red heart mean? (St. Valentine's D

     What are traditional colours on St.Valentine's Day? (red. white, pink) 

    Where is the residence of the president of the USA? (The White House)

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