Will people live on the moon?

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

Date: 05.02.2015.

Forms: 6 b

Plan of the lesson

The theme of the lesson: ‘Will people live on the moon?’’

Aims of the lesson: a) ) to introduce pupils new the lesson

b) to develop pupils reading, speaking and writing


c) to enlarge pupils knowledge

Visual aids: Pictures

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organization moment: a) greeting

b)conversation with the duty

II. Checking up the homework.

Level 1 Read the text

Level 2Writing the new words

III. Explaining new them. Ex 1 Find the oddone out.

Ex 5 read the text

I V . New words: To commute to the moon- айға қарай бару

To grow vegetables – жидектер өсіру

To live in peace-ғаламда өмір сүру

To build cities under –қала тұрғызу

The sea –теіңіз

To discover life on- өмірін құртту

Other planets – басқа ғаламшарда

Ex 6 p104

True and false T F

_ -

a) Cities will be very big

Ex 7 Discuss

Will people be happy?

Will life be interesting?

Will life be long?

V .Conclusion.

VI. Home task : Read the text and translate .

Ex 9 p106.

The lesson is over!

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Просмотров: 106

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