Do you know that?

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

Date: 13 .02.2015.

Forms: 7 a, b

Plan of the lesson

The theme of the lesson: ‘Do you know that ? ’’

Aims of the lesson: a) words connected with birds .

b) To develop pupils reading, and speaking writing


Visual aids: Pictures

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organization moment: a) greeting

b) conversation with the duty

II. Checking up the homework.

III. Explaining new theme.

Ex 4p 59

a) read and add some more information .

b) read do you now ?

c) read the text ‘’ What is a bird ?’’,’’ Feather s’’, ‘’’ Bird sense ’’, ‘’ Long – distance travellers ’’.

Write out :

1.the names of birds

2.the words wich describe birds .

I V . New words:

1 appear – көріну

2 hunt - аулау

3 weight - салмақ

4 drink – ішу

5 Humming – bird - құрқылтай

6 Ostrich - түйеқұс

7 Flipper – жүзу қанаттары

8 Sac - қапшық

9 Extend –созу , созылу


11Rescue –аман сақтап қалу

12Red herring – қызыл балық

V. Conclution : to speak about the grammar tenses

VI. Home task :

Level 1 Read the text

Level 2 New words

Level 3 ex 18 .19 p 60

VII. Marking.

The lesson is over!

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