Eating in Britain

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы
7 сынып                  Сабақтың тақырыбы        «Eating in Britain».                  Сабақтың   мақсаттары:        Оқушылардың тақырып бойынша сөздік                                                                                   қорын байыту, өз ойын жеткізе білуге                                                                                        үйрету.   Much,  many  сөйлемде қолданылуын үйрету.                                                                      Көре отырып есте  сақтау қабілетін  дамыту.                                                                     Дүниеге этикалық   көзқараспен қарауға                                                                          тәрбиелеу, өз бетімен   жұмыс істеуді қалыптастыру.                 Сабақ түрі:   аралас сабақ       Сабақ типі:   Жаңа білімді меңгерту       Сабақ әдісі:  Сұрақ-жауап, әңгіме – сұхбат , кесінді қағазбен,                                       компьютермен  жұмыс жасау, жеке  және жұптық жұмыс түрі       Сабақтың жабдығы:   тақырыптық суреттер, флэшкарта,   компьютер Пән аралық байланыс: Қазақ тілі   Сабақ барысы І.  Ұйымдастыру.  (Сұрақ – жауап арқылы) 1.      Greeting. Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! How are you? Who is on duty today?   What is the weather  like today? What day and date today? 2.      Warming- up: Let‘s guess the crossword!  Pronunciation practice.           F                 O         O                 D           D             R   I                     N                   K       I.                   Base part of the lesson. 1.      Flipchart. Work with the computer. Our new theme is about eating. And what do you know about healthy food? Choose, please the words which belong to healthy food. Healthy food:                              Other: Berries                                                  sweets Vegetables                                           coffee Meat                                                      Coke Vitamins                                            fast food Juice                                                  junk food Fruit 2.      Reading the dialogue. Open your books at p.67. Look at the dialogue. Read  and  then  act the dialogue.  Pay attention to the words  of  food  and  drink. Ann: Excuse me! Talgat: Yes? Ann: Could you answer some questions? Talgat: Well… em…OK. Ann: What`s your name? Talgat: Talgat. Ann: OK, Talgat. What do you like to eat? Talgat: I like fruit. I love bananas, oranges, apples and apricots. Ann: Do you like meat?  Talgat: Yes, I do. I also like fish and eggs, and fried potatoes. Ann: What do you like to drink? Talgat: I like Coke and orange juice and tea with milk and…  Ann: And what don`t you like?  Talgat: I don`t like surveys! Good-buy! Ann: Mmm? Now let’s translate the sentences. Give the  translation in your native language. 3.      Match the food and drink with the pictures. 4.       Work with the cards.   Complete the chart:     5.      Make two lists:   6.       Presentation. Remember!  Plural nouns end in  -  s  or  - es. They are countable.  Some nouns don’t have plural form. They are uncountable. Name the noun and decide countable or uncountable is it. -          What is the differenсe between these columns? -          What nouns are these? 7.       Look at the pairs of sentences. What is the difference? Chocolate is delicious.                      Strawberries are  delicious. Apple juice is good for you.              Apples are good for you.        8.      Fipchart. Arrange these nouns into the lists. 9.      Flipchart. Countable and uncountable nouns. 1)Development of Grammar skills. Tell me please what special words do we use with this nouns (much/many). 10.Flipchart (many / much) 11. Now, please turn to p. 70, ex. 12 and read the text “British food”.      7. Home task: Ex. 7 p. 68  To read and translate text “Kazakh food”.     8. Sum up of the lesson.      
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