Конспект по английскому языку к презентации "Tips for staying healthy"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

«A healthy living guide»
Form 8, unit 5 КузовлевВ.П.

Lesson 2

«My tips for staying healthy»

О.В. Мочалова Гимназия №4


Цели:способствовать формированию положительного отношения к здоровому образу жизни.


1.    Совершенствовать речевые навыки на основе изученного лексического и  грамматического материала

2.     Развивать умения  аудировать c целью понимания основного содержания услышанного.




1.    ИКТ – технология

2.    Проблемное обучение


Методы: метод проблемного обучения

Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска фирмы Epson, компьютер, учебник, раздаточный материал (интеллектуальная карта, УМКВ.П.Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, student’sbook«English 8», рабочая тетрадь, книга для чтения).

Этапы урок
1. Организационно-мотивационный.
2. Постановка проблемы.
3. Основная часть:
а) получение информации (информационный блок);
б) переработка информации (аналитический блок).
4. Заключительная часть:
а) рефлексия
б); подведение итогов;
План занятия
1)Приветствие. Пожелание внимательной работы, интересного урока и  удачи.


(Слайд №1.)

 1 Организационный  момент.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? Lets start our lesson.

Some teenagers want to stay healthy and they do morning exercises, ,  eat healthy  food, they go in for sport, go to bed in time…

But some other teens smoke, skip their meals, eat junk food and they are pale, inactive and overweight.

So teens often don’t know how to stay healthy.  I think that:  everybody should have a guide to stay happy and healthy.  

2 Постановкапрблемы.

What does being healthy mean to you?

-Eat healthy food.Go in for sport.Sleep enough.

It’s  all right…Our task is to make tips for staying healthy.

I would like you to work hard and be more attentive. Take part in our discussion, please



3   )Основнаячасть.

3.1 (слайд №2   )Match the words to their definition

1.To pay attention                    a) Вреднаяеда                                      

2.Tolimit                                  b) Приходилось делать

3.Toavoid                                c) Запрещать

4.To ban                                   d) Ограничивать

5.To be used                             e) Избегать

Junk food                                 f)  Уделятьвнимание

3.2  Open your student’s book at page 127 ex.1

Listen do the dictor and be ready to answer the questions according to the text. (Слайд №3)

  1) Why has Ann written this letter?

  2) Does Ann live a healthy lifestyle? How can you prove it?

  3) What do you think Ann’s lifestyle was before?

She probably didn’t…., she used to…

3.3 ex 2 Page 127

3.3.1Here are some causes that children name to explain why they are unhealthy. What are these causes? (Слайд№4)

Children eat a lot of chocolate and sweets.

Children sit and watch DVD’s.

Children don’t go outside much.

Teenagers sit at a desk all day long.

Teens miss PE lessons.

Children get too tired to exercise.

Pupils eat unhealthy school dinners.

Teenagers prefer junk food to healthy food.

Teenagers often visit fast food places like McDonalds.

3.3.2What causes may Taylor name?

Grammar for revision

A lot of/Many/Much/Few/Little (Слайд №5)

3.3.3 Fill in the gaps with the correct quantifier (Activity book ex.2 page 65)

  0) Healthy school meals include a lot of fresh fruit and ____ salty and fatty  food.

  1)___ children know how the difference between healthy and unhealthy food but ___ of them choose to eat healthy food.

  2) Fast food  doesn't have ___ vitamins and minerals and you can’t say how ___ sugar there is in it.

  3)___ items of food  are marked as healthy or having ___ fat but in reality there is ___ added sugar in them.

  4)Fresh vegetables have ___ vitamins and ___ calories. (Слайд№6)

3.3.4 Group work   Grammar card

What reasons can your classmates name? Find out.


A lot of

A few

A little

Few/not many

Little/not much

How much chocolate do you eat?






How much do you sleep?






How many hours do you spend at a desk every day?






How much physical activity do you get?






How much junk food do you eat?






How many portions of vegetables do you eat?







3.3.5 The eatwell plate.

To be healthy you need to eat a variety foods and to have balanced meals

Use the eatwell plate to help you get the balance right.It shows how much of what you eat shoud come from each food group.Слайд№7)

3.3.6 (Слайд№8) What has be done  to make teenagers healthier?


3.3.7  I see you are tired.   Lets relax. ,

 Head and shoulders  , knees and toes

Head and shoulders , knees and toes ,

 knees and toes ,         

Head and shoulders , knees and toes ,

 knees and toes ,

And eyes , and ears , and mouth , and nose <

Head and shoulders , knees and toes ,



4. Заключительная  часть .

4.1. Рефлексия. 

What does  being healthy mean for you ?     

As for me, …because ….

 It means that…

I think people should ….

May  be I….

Being healthy for me is….

4.2.  Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов урока.

    At last, my dear! I want to tell you look great and be the nicest puples. But remember . Your home task will be.... Today in our class we were discussing how to look great. I like the way you were working. Your grades for the class work today are the following… Thank you for your good work.  


  4.3. Домашнее задание

Make your own «Stay happy and   healthy» guide. Explain, how it can promote your health. www.kidshealth.org




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