Урок в формате CELTA "grammar clarification Past Perfect Simple or Continious"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Lesson stage/

Time interaction



Advisor’s Comments

1 lead in (mime activity)S1-S2




2 introduction (target grammar eliciting)T-S1-S2 3-5 min.

3 grammar clarification T-S1-s2/ pair work

4 Grammar practicing S1/S2

S-S 3-5 min

4 practicing grammar (mingling activity)S1-S2-S3

5-7 min


“GUESS WHAT I have been doing” small groups 7-10 min


who’s worked for the CIA

S1/S2/ S1-S2-S37-10 min

7 reflection

To engage SS

To focus on the target grammar

To practice understanding of an authentic cartoon

To recognize target grammar in the context

To let SS analyze the structures to find differences in usage

To let students use the target grammar and analyze its form

To practice using target grammar

To practice using present perfect continuous

To activate grammar structures in speech.

To reflect SS understanding of gr structures

Each pair is to show the situation and the to freeze.

t. “what have they been doing.”

t. shows a cartoon where 2 girls are talking using Pre. Perf. S. and Pres.Perf.Cont.

SS finds as mane examples as they can

SS discuss their examples in pairs /feed back from pairs

T “so when do we use the structures and how do we use them ‘ ss use their notes with examples/s1 comes to the board and writes grammar structure 1 S1-stucture2-S2

Look at the analyses box T “Can you add anything ? “

Ex.1 (cartoon) T. Look at the analyses box and you notes and do ex1/discuss answers in pairs

Explain ,please ,why/

Feed back from pair1/2

Ex1 p 59 Find someone who…has lost/has been loosing money/SS firs do the sentences then go around the class.

Feed back from some Ss

Cards are faced down /S1 takes the card and describes for ex.(mime)”I am crying» the group must guess the activity the person has been engaged in. the player who guesses correctly is allowed to keep the card.

Result is checked( the most cards)

Ss are given role cards and they do the questions and negative answers using the

Pre. Perf. Simple .Perf.Cont.a. then go around the class trying to find out who is a spy at the party(who’s worked for the CIA). They act their parts using the target languages and then discuss who is the spy.

Using their notes SS show the differences in the form, meaning and function of Pres. Perf.Simple or Cont.

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