Конспект по теме:«Past Simple» Простое прошедшее время

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

I.                   Организационный момент

      Good morning, children! I am glad to see you today. Who is on duty today?   Who is absent? What is the date today? What is the day of  the week today?

II.                 Постановка цели урока, сообщение цели.

     Children, let        us guess the topic of our lesson. Do you like fairy tales? All of them begin so: Long ago there lived a king… or Once upon a time there was a cat… Are they told in the Present or in the Past Simple? (Учительпомогаетперевестивопрос)

      Спомощьюучениковставитцель: The Subject of our lesson is the Past   Simple Tense.

    Слайд 1. На доске- сказочный город, который называется Past Simple.

III.             Фонетическая зарядка

Let us start our travelling with training some sounds. [t],  [d]


     looked, played, painted, helped, talked, smiled, skated, collected

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