“Theatre and cinema: How it all began”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Кошкарбекова Гульназ Орынбековна


Lesson plan


The theme:“Theatre and cinema: How it all began”

The aims:

a)      educational: to get acquainted with the text, to read and discuss the text, doing tasks and exercises with grammar material “passive voice”;

b)      developing: to develop pupils’ skills and habits in reading, writing, comparing; to enlarge pupils’ thinking and speaking;

c)      cultural: to get more information about theatres and cinemas of the world, to bring-up to know more about foreign culture;

The type of the lesson: demonstrative lesson

The methods of the lesson: working at the text, doing tasks.

Visual aids: slides, active board, English VII textbook and workbook, cards with the



The outline of the lesson:

I.                   Organization moment.

II.                Checking-up the homework.

III.             Doing tasks on the text.

IV.             Warm-up activity.

V.                Revision of the grammar material.

VI.             Consolidation of the given material.

VII.          Giving homework.

VIII.       Putting marks.

IX.             The end of the lesson.


The procedure of the lesson.

I.                   Organization moment:

a)      Greetings:

-          Hello pupils!

-          How are today?

b)      Asking of the date, day and about weather?

-          Who is on duty today?

-          Who is absent today?

-          What is the date today?

-          What is the day today?

-          What is the weather like today?


II.                Checking-up the homework.


 -  to read and translate the text, retelling of the text, find more facts about theatres and cinemas of the world.

 - revision of the grammar material “Passive voice. Indefinite forms.”



III. Doing tasks on the text.

A)    Now that you’ve read the text once, say:

1. In what country theatre was born; 2. Why we remember Thespis; 3. When cinema was born; 4. What country produced the first dramatic film; 5. Why the film Jazz singer is important in the history of cinema; 6. How many names of films, actors and actresses mentioned in the text you can remember; 7. Into what parts the text can be divided logically.


B)    Find in the text the names of these films:

  1. «Зарабатывая на жизнь» - Makingaliving
  2. «Историяпреступления» - The Story of a crime
  3. «Пиковаядама» - The Queen of Spades
  4. «ОгниНью - Йорка» - The lights of New - York
  5. «Броненосец Потемкин» - The Battleship Potemkin
  6. «Отец Сергий» - Father Sergius
  7. «По закону» - By the Law
  8. «Большое ограбление поезда» - The Great Train Robbery
  9. «Земля» - Earth
  10. «Мать» - Mother


C)    Find in the first three paragraphs of the text at least 10 international words:

Theatre, theatrical, drama, dramatic, actor, conflict, audience, progress, hymn, represent, prize, festival, separate, dialogue, professional, role, relation, performance, base, different, divide, brave.


D)    Guess what the international words from paragraphs 4 and 5 are:

Public                                                    Dialogue

Cinema                                                  film

Programme                                           era

Production                                            theatre

Jazz                                                       industry

Regular                                                 director


IV. Warm-up activity.

Game “IF”


V. Revision of the grammar material.

 - At first let’s do the exercise from activity book:

Exercise 5.p.70. Write Passive sentences to express the same.

1. You can reserve tickets for the Bolshoi Theatre performances.

2. The actors shouldn’t disappoint the audience.

3. People must do away with such bad habits as smoking.

4. You don’t have to share this textbook.

5. You ought to drill grammar rules.

6. You can’t make lazy make lazy pupils do their homework.

7. You should turn down the radio.

8. People don’t have to weigh their hand luggage at the airport.

9. You must transport the goods at once.

10. Students ought to translate this text and memorize it.


-          I’ll give you colorful cards with the tasks on grammar material.

-          Yellow cards are easy tasks, blue cards are difficult tasks, and red cards are very difficult tasks.

-          Yellow cards – easy tasks

Passive Voice - Exercises on Form

1. Write passive sentences in Simple Present.

The documents / print 

The window / open 

The shoes / buy 

The car / wash 

The litter / throw away 

The letter / send 

The book / read / not 

The songs / sing / not 

The food / eat / not 

The shop / close / not


2. Write passive sentences in Simple Past.

The test / write 

The table / set 

The cat / feed 

The lights / switch on 

The house / build 

Dinner / serve 

This computer / sell / not 

The car / stop / not 

The tables / clean / not 

The children / pick up / not


 3. Present Simple Passive or Past Simple Passive?

  1. How often . . .    elections for President (hold) in Russia?
  2. This room usually (clean) by my brother.
  3. These books and magazines (sell) everywhere.
  4. Usually she (meet) at the station by her relatives.
  5. Every year my old uncle (give) a cheque and a present by his manager.
  6. English (speak) all over the world.
  7. The car (drive) well by my father. I can’t drive at all.
  8. The room (warm) by an electric fire when it is cold.
  9. The books written by Mark Twain (read) by children with great interest.
  10. He (show) the way to the station.
  11. They wanted to go to the cinema, but all the seats (sell) out.
  12. Beautiful stamps (receive) by a member of the young stamp collectors circle.
  13. The pupils of our class took care of the young trees which (plant) last autumn.
  14. This funny episode often (talk) about in our school.
  15. The day before yesterday we (invite) to the restaurant by Tom Jenkins.


Blue cards – difficult tasks

1. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Simple Present.

He (sell) cars.

The blue car (sell).

In summer, more ice-cream (eat) than in winter.

She (call) her grandparents every Friday.

The letters (type).

He (take) his medicine every day.

Jane (take / not) to school by her father.

We (go) to school by bus.

She (work / not) for a bank.

Milk (keep) in the refrigerator.


2. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Simple Past.

They (visit) their granny.

We (visit) by our teacher.

My friend Paul (bear) in Dallas.

She (go) to school in Boston.

Antony (grow up) in the country.

The new shopping centre (build) last year.

The film (produce / not) in Hollywood.

Barbara (know) James very well.

The jewels (hide / not) in the cellar.

We (spend / not) all day on the beach.


3. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Future (will).

The house (build) here.

You (send) home.

I (eat) an ice-cream.

We (go) home now.

I (help) you.

The match (win / not) by our team.

The weather (improve / not) tomorrow.

The trees (cut) down.

The meeting (cancel / not).

They (do / not) that again.




Red cards are very difficult tasks.

Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). You must either use Simple Present or Simple Past.

The Statue of Liberty (give) to the United States by France.

It (be) a present on the 100th anniversary of the United States.

The Statue of Liberty (design) by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.

It (complete) in France in July 1884.

In 350 pieces, the statue then (ship) to New York, where it (arrive) on 17 June 1885.

The pieces (put) together and the opening ceremony (take) place on 28 October 1886.

The Statue of Liberty (be) 46 m high (93 m including the base).

The statue (represent) the goddess of liberty.

She (hold) a torch in her right hand and a tablet in her left hand.

On the tablet you (see / can) the date of the Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776).

Every year, the Statue of Liberty (visit) by many people from all over the world


VI.             Consolidation of the given material.

-          Today we’ve discussed the text and revised grammar material. Have you got any questions for me?

          VII. Giving homework.

-          Ex: 13.p.218. ex:4.A.B.P.69.

VIII.       Putting marks.

-          P1-5, P2-4, P3-3.

IX. The end of the lesson.

-          The lesson is over. Good – bye!

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