Конспект урока на тему «Какие профессии выбирают российские подростки»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

 Это урок является плановым по теме «Проблема выбора профессии подростками России»,раздел программы «Социально-культурная сфера. Выбор профессии». (УМК Enjoy English -9 М.З.Биболетова)

"Целью урока является

  • развитие навыков монологической речи по данной теме,
  • совершенствование лексических навыков.
  • Учебные,  воспитательные, развивающие задачи помогают достижению цели.

На данном уроке обучающиеся сравнивают профессии, которые выбирают российские и британские подростки, а также выражают свое мнение о том можно ли в российских условиях применить популярные в Британии этапы выбора профессии. Особое внимание уделяется тем школьным предметам, которые помогут им в достижении поставленной цели. Среди форм работы следует выделить фронтальную и групповую.

1. Greeting.

2. Look at the video.
Barber, businessman, cashier, construction worker, dentist, doctor, fireman, fisherman, gardener, hairdresser, nurse, model, musician, policeman, receptionist, secretary, soldier, teacher, telephone operator.
Can you guess what we are going to talk about at the lesson today? (Suggested answer –“About professions”)
Right. The theme of our lesson is “The professions Russian teens choose”. We will learn (slides)

  • names of some professions
  • pluses and minuses of professions
  • professions chosen by Russian and British teenagers
  • school subjects needed to be a good specialist
  • personal qualities needed to be a good specialist.

3. Let us see what professions pupils of Volgograd lyceum 9 have chosen

4. And now let us see what professions British teenagers prefer.

5. Professions can have pluses and minuses. Do ex. 7 p. 155.
I would mind being a …… because…….
I wouldn’t mind being a ……. because……

6. Discuss what characteristics and qualities are necessary to be a good specialist. Use ex. 6 p.155
On the one hand……
On the other hand……

7. Look at these texts. Here you can see the description of some professions. Guess what professions they are. Use modal verbs must, can, can’t to express probability, possibility, impossibility.
He/She must (100%) be a ……. because……
He/She can (50%) be a…………because………
He/She can’t (0%) be a………..because………

  • …protect and help local residents. They investigate crimes, stop speeding drivers and give them fines, help citizens with directions or other information. Their profession can be dangerous at times.
  • … play music on the radio. They introduce songs, choose music to play, interview guests, read news and offer their opinions on a wide variety of subjects.
  • … often work in hotels, office buildings, and reception areas. They help guests, clients and customers with information answering questions and more in a hotel.
  • … drive large vehicles called trucks. They generally have to drive great distances which can take them away from their home for days at a time. In the UK, trucks are also referred to as lorries.


  1.  Policemen
  2.  Computer programmers
  3.  Teachers
  4.  Radio disc jockeys
  5.  Receptionists
  6.  (Truck) drivers

8. Choosing a profession is not an easy task

9. I recollected about one meeting of Putin with young scientists.

10. Reflexing.

Let us see if we can speak about them now.
Our lesson is over. Your homework is ex.2, p.66 in workbooks and ex. 10, p.156. Thank you for being active at the lesson. Your marks are… I want you to choose the profession you like and be successful! Good luck!

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