Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему «To watch or not to watch TV»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

"Урок "с "применением "технологии "проблемного "обучения.

Цель урока: развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся при помощи выполнения заданий проблемного типа.

Задачи урока:

  1. развивать навыки неподготовленной устной речи
  2. совершенствовать навыки просмотрового чтения с основным пониманием прочитанного;
  3. формировать навыки письменной речи-эссе в формате части С2 (Единый Государственный Экзамен).
  • I. Pre-reading Activities

"A. Discussion.- Hello! Glad to see you again. The weather is fine today, isn’t it? Yesterday I was so impressed with the program on TV. I could not stop watching it in spite of the fact that I had some important things to do.

"- How do you watch TV?- Does it bring any benefits?

"- Why do you watch the TV for?

"- Does television make your life interesting?

"- What functions does it play in our life?

"B. Brainstorming.

"- Lots of people can’t imagine their lives without television. Others consider it to be wasting of time. Who is right? Let’s discuss advantages and disadvantages of TV in our life(Students give their ideas. Be on hand to offer your own ideas and guide the brainstorming.)

"pros cons

"Watching interesting films and programs Wasting of time

"Getting the news No censorship

"Being up to date TV-addiction

"Educational function Too much rubbish on TV

"Killing the time TV can have bad influence on teenagers and children

"Watching TV helps us relax Harmful for our health

"Listening to music Too much violence

"Improving foreign language skills (when we watch international programs)

"Loosing social skills

"Watching comedy shows cheering us up

"C. Speaking. Work in pairs.

"You enjoy watching TV but your friend is strongly against it and tells you the negative influence it has on our mind. Prove you opinion.

"D. Speaking. Class discussion.

"Express your own opinion in front of the class:

"Do you believe TV is an essential part of our life or it can be sometimes even harmful?(Encourage students to use long sentences and linkers)
Students’ answers: Student 1.

  • II. Reading Activities
  • III. Post-reading Activity

"В. Answer the questions:

"What problem did the main character face while living in the dorms?

"How did he solve the problem?

"What is his attitude to the television now?

"C. Speaking. Take turns expressing your opinion about such a problem like TV addiction.

"Students share their opinions.

  • IV. Writing.

"You have had a class discussion about watching TV. Write an essay expressing your opinion about the role of TV in out life in the form of State Unified Exam
This task may be done as class activity or at home.

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Просмотров: 118

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