Lesson plan "The Queen and the Parliament"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

Grade: 10

The theme: The Queen and the Parliament. The Queen the Commonwealth

 The aims:

  • To develop pupils’ knowledge on the Royal family of Great Britain and to teach them to speak about them

  • To enrich their vocabulary with new words such engagement, charity, diary, etc.

  • To teach them to respect the other countries’ tradition and custom

The type of the lesson: mixed

The method of the lesson: reading and discussing


                                          The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment.

  2. Checking the homework

  3. Main part

  1. Vocabulary and pronunciation

    Supreme [sju’pri:m]- жоғарғы

    Summon [‘sɅmәn] – шақыру

    Executive [ig’zekjutiv] – атқарушы

    Responsible [risponsibl] - жауапты

    Appoint [ә’point] – тағайындау

    Abbreviate [ә‘bri:vieit]- қысқарту

    Acknowledge [әk’nolidȝ] – қабылдау, мақұлдау

    Biannual [‘baiænjәul] - екі жылда бір рет

  2. Reading.

    I’ll divide you into two group A and B.  Group A, read the first text and Group B read the second text. Then talk to each other about the text.

  3. Mind the pronunciation

    Antigua and Barbuda [æn’ti:gәәnba:’bu:dә]

    Australia [os’treiljә]

    The Bahamas [bә:ha:mәz]

    Barbados [bә:beidәuz]

    Belize [be’li:z]

    Canada [kænәdә]

    Jamaica [dȝә’meikә]

    New Zealand [nju:zi:lәnd]

    Papua New Guinea [‘pæpjuә’nju:’gini]

    Tuvalu [tu:’va:lu:]

  4. A game “Wolf”

    We’ll play this game in a chain. I’ll say a word. You should spell the word one by one.

  1. Giving the homework. To speak about the role of the Queen.

    Evaluation of the pupils.


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