Lesson theme: Celebrations

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы
Lesson  theme: Celebrations Date: January 9 Grade: 9th form Materials: Cards,pictures,computer Objectives:To enlarge pupils’ vocabulary to pay  attention to their pronunciation.                      To develop pupils’ skills of reading,writing,listening and speaking speech. The type of the lesson:  Mixed lesson Methods: Question-answer. Procedure of the lesson: Lesson  Phase S/T Interaction Time Introduction: Date and Attendance,Introduction of the lesson’s theme. T  to Cl 3 min Warm –up: How many words can you make with these letters?  “CELEBRATION” brain,rat,ten,cat,bat,beat,boat,car,not,race,ran Cl 4min   Presentation: 1.Using vocabulary flashcards and separate pictures,teacher will introduce vocabulary.Students will repeat in chorus. T-CL 5min 2.Teacher will ask individual students”What is it? while holding up a picture.Student  will answer,”it Is a…’’ T
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