Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы
Тема: День рождения друга. Цель: формирование умений общаться на английском языке с учетом речевых возможностей; потребностей и интересов учащихся. Задачи: Воспитательная: развитие умений и навыков устной речи, чтения, письма; Развивающая цель: развитие личности учащихся, их речевых способностей, внимания, памяти, воображения, мотивации к дальнейшему изучению языка; Воспитательная цель: воспитание чувства сопереживания к другому человеку, навыков вежливого поведения и участия в совместной деятельности. Оборудование. Карточки с изображением подарков ко дню рождения Раздаточный материал , аудио запись, Ход урока I. Organization moment - Good morning children! - I am very glad to see you! - How are you today? - What day is it today? II. New theme 1.     explanation of the teacher Today children we are having unusual lesson. Today our friend Jim has birthday! But look at him, it seems that he is not happy! Let’s ask him why is he unhappy on a such wonderful day! Фонетическая зарядка (слайд 2) Now I know why Jim is unhappy! He has not a lot of friends to invite on his birthday, but he would like to have a great party with his friends. So we can visit him, but before we have to do some tasks. Are you ready boys and girls? First let’s revise our words from last lessons! Months and ordinal numerals (слайд 3,4)   Ok, Very good! Now we have some new words, you can see them on the board. (слайд 5) Let’s read them Now, write them please! III. Ok! Let’s do first task! Jim mixed the ABC letters! He doesn’t know the right order of this letters! I give you the letters, and you must stand near the board in a right order! How it should be in ABC! Ok!? Let’s start! Letters: NSACRUHLDF answer: ACDFHLNRSU! Now let’s check! Ok! Very good job! First task is solved! Next task is  to name the season by picture and name it’s months. Ok! Good! The second task is solved! Now let’s have a rest! One, two, three! Hop, hop, hop! One, two, three! Stop! Stand up! Hands to the sides! Bend left! Bend right! Bend your head! Bend your knee! Grow as tall As a tall tree! Ok now the third task is to listen the task on the tape and say what present would Jim like to get! You may look at the picture on the board! (Слайд 6) Ok! Very good! Now let’s mime the present’s! Here we have pictures with presents for Jim! You must take one and without any word mime it! And rest of pupils must guess what present is it! Now tell me please do you know the song that people sing on birthday party? Let’s sing together for Jim!! (Слайд 7) Now you can see that Jimm is very happy! And he will be glad to see us on his birthday party! IV. Now tell me please do you like our lesson? What do you like the most? And what you don’t like?(then give children the sweets) V. Home task: cards
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