My home

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы
The composition on a theme: «Selivanova is my small Motherland». Nothing on earth can be closer, dearer than the small native land. Each person has their Motherland - this is the place where he was born and raised. For me it is the village Selivanova. My village is located in the Eastern zone of Stavropol region. This zone from the point of view of geography is rather dry. Here I was born and have made their first steps, living here all my family, friends, classmates, who surround me with warmth and care. Because it is mine, all native. In our village there is a wonderful school, kind and talented teacher. I like our school and the lessons that it is taught, but I especially like the lesson of physical culture. Here my classmates and playing outdoor games: running, football, basketball, etc. as the school offers various activities such as «Sports», which mainly are only boys, «Sudarushka» is a dance club, dancing here not only girls but also boys. I with pleasure go here and dance, we even have their own group, but we think, as it will be called. Soon we will be a very important event - the festival. This event will be attended by the members of the jury, which will assess our performance. Though this event and exciting, but it is pleasant. Even here in the village there are a House of Culture. This building is very attractive not only me and my classmates, but also other students from different classes. And all because there's a wonderful scene where we all stand, showing plays, dance, sing, recite poetry. For performances on the stage we sew beautiful clothes. The club has also held circle «Clever», where we do interesting Handicrafts. Also, near to the club-it is a monument to the fallen in the great Patriotic war. Victory Day the whole village gathers at a solemn meeting to commemorate those who died in that terrible and bloody war. In the village there are farm, where the majority of the population, including my parents. At the farm people working on the farm, in the fields where they grow the grain. In summer and the harvest season, my dad personally carries grain in the silo. The Elevator is a huge building, where fall asleep grain. In my village, the villagers have been breeding cows, ducks, geese, sheep, chickens, and villagers go about their vegetable gardens, where they grow carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, Burak, and much more. Generally in our village has many wonderful and responsive people. They are willing to help each other in difficult times. Our village is a multinational, here live not only Russians, but the Dagestanis, Chechens, Ukrainians, Belarusians and others we All live together and have fun. My village is beautiful any time of the year. Spring in the village bloom beautiful, fragrant flowers, blooming buds on the trees, the birds come, flew to winter in the warm countries, happily runs the children on the streets playing games, and not far from the village is amazingly beautiful forest, where in the spring sprout Bluebell and snowdrops. Everything comes to life! In summer the green forests and fields pleasing to the eye. I love with my friends to go to the river to swim, sunbathe. With the onset of autumn rustling endless fields of Golden wheat, people collect from their vegetable gardens, gardens, a generous crop. In the winter we get a lot of snow, and my friends and I with pleasure go for a ride on a sleigh with mountains, ice skating, modeling snowman, playing snowballs, hodiki. I am proud of the village and is glad that she was born here. I will never forget their Motherland - Selivanova, here I am truly happy!
Тип материала: Архив RAR (rar)
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Количество скачиваний: 1
Просмотров: 80

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