Презентация к проекту "Англицизмы в русском языке" "Anglicizes in the Russian language"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации
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       English plays the leading role in the world. Everyday Russian language, the richest and the greatest, borrows such English words, which are called anglicizes. Many factors influence this phenomenon in our lives: the Internet, radio, television, technical progress, different cultural, sport events and international contacts.

Most of all anglicizes are spread among the teenagers. Among the areas in which high school students come across English words, the Internet and social networking are leading. Then follows music (songs in English)  and daily communication, television, mass media, and advertising.

Borrowed English words cover all areas of school life, for example:

 - the word ‘инглиш’  (английский) is transfered from school slang ‘English.      


    ("На инглиш идешь?").

Тип материала: Презентация Power Point (ppt)
Размер: 310.5 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 9
Просмотров: 94

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