Разработка урока по английскому языку в 7 классе по УМК Кузовлева В. П. Тема урока: « The World around us is wonderful. Protect it».

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Урок английского языка в 7 классе по УМК Кузовлева В.П.

Раздел IV « Are you a friend of the planet?»

Темаурока: « The World around us is wonderful. Protectit».

Учителя английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №24» г. Барнаула Максимовой Н.В.

Цель урока:  развитие речевого умения:

а) умение  сказать, что происходит при загрязнении окружающей среды;

б) умение выразить обеспокоенность;

в) умение предложить, что-либо сделать;

г) умение сказать, что-либо сделать.

Задачи урока:

Обучающие – совершенствовать навыки подготовленной и неподготовленной монологической и диалогической речи.

Развивающие – развивать языковые, творческие способности учащихся. Развивать речевую культуру, совершенствовать навыки стихосложения.

Воспитательные – воспитание любви к природе родного края.

Социокультурный аспект – привлечение интереса к проблемам своего родного города.

Речевойматериал – материал 4 раздела «Are you a friend of the planet?»

Грамматический материал – страдательный залог в простом настоящем времени.

Лексический материал – по теме «Защита окружающей среды».

Этапы урока:

I.Приветствие. Орг.момент .

Good day, dear children! We have guests at our  lesson today, greet them, please. Take your seats. How are you? Are you OK? I ‘m very glad to see you in a good mood. Tell me, please, who is absent today? (ect.) T- Ps

II. Постановкапроблемурока.  

Well, look at the blackboard. What is our topic for today? “ The World around us is wonderful. Protect it.”

T. Yes, that’s right. Today we’ll talk about nature and men. About ecological problems in our town. And try to understand how can it be solved? What ways can you suggest to help the environment. During the lesson I  want you  to think about  problem “ Nobody will help us  and our planet if we don’t help ourselves”. ( Эпиграфнаписаннадоске).We’ll discuss it at the end of the lesson. Look at the apple. Imagine it’s our Earth. I’m cutting it into 4 pieces. Three quarters of the Earth surface is water and only ¼ is land. One half of  it is habitable. The rest of the land is deserts, mountains, frozen ice-caps and other places where people  cannot  live in. And now I’m cutting this half into four parts. It’s impossible  to believe, but only 1/32 gives us food and shelter. And it will be a catastrophe if we destroy it. I’d like you to think over this problem much more seriously and find out ways to save our fragile planet.

III. Фонетическаязарядка.

Well, and now  let’s do phonetic exercises. Give English equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations :

Охранять природу, разрушать дикую природу, повреждать природу, загрязнять природу( воду, воздух.), беспокоить животных, бросать мусор, портить окружающую среду, уменьшить загрязнение воды, разводить огонь.

IV. Речеваязарядка.

Now remember how beautiful our nature is …  and answer the questions, please. ( Вопросы и примерные ответы распечатаны и находятся на столах учащихся.)

1.      Do you like nature?

2.      What do you think is it dangerous to run under the acid rain?

3.      Did you walk barefoot on the young green grass in the summer?

4.      Every one of you prefers to breathe in fresh air, don’t you?

5.      Who likes to watch clouds?

6.      Do you like to watch sparkling stars in the sky?

7.      Do you like to walk in the forest or in the field? 

V. Работасостихотворением.

I invite you to the forest! Pupils, you have got text with dots. Who wants to read it aloud with good intonation?

The text isn’t a poem yet. Make a poem from this text. Put useful words in the dots.

( Come to the………. Look at the……..

On a sunny………….At the busy……..

Come to the…………Look at the……..

Some day in…………In green, green….)

Who is ready? Children, put down your pens, don’t correct!

Psread. (Выбирается лучшее стихотворение по мнению учащихся.)

T. You answer is right! How do like it? It’s great.

VI. Well done. But let’s remember that the ecological situation in our town is not an ideal one. There are a lot of ecological problems in our town. Look at the pictures – some of them show beautiful sights of Barnaul. But central picture isn’t beautiful. Do you like it? Let’s talk about the ecological problems in our town. (Ps.)

T. One of the most serious problem is air pollution. More and more factories, cars add their bad breath to the air. What can you say about this problem in Barnaul? (Ps.)

T. Another serious problem is water pollution. Do we have such a problem? (Ps.)

T. One of the most serious problem is our countryside. There are great forests around our town. Thirty years ago they were rich in animals, mushrooms. Has the countryside changed now? Listen to the text and answer the question.


Barnaul is an industrial town. Of course, the countryside has changed greatly. The countryside is spoiled. Wild animals have disappeared in these places. We can not eat the fish from our rivers because is it not very good for our health. In the result of man’s activities a lot of species have disappeared. 


T. After exploring the ecological situation we have come to the conclusion that the situation is very serious and dangerous. And I think we must take care of our nature. Can you, children, do anything?

VII. T. Do you agree with the statement “ To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself”? Give your examples. You have cards №1. Complete the sentences. (Ps.)

Card 1

1.      When the air (to pollute) our health (affect).

2.      When the litter (to throw) away, the environment (damage).

3.      When the litter (to throw) in the river, the water (to pollute).

4.      When glass bottles (to leave) in the forest, animals (to hurt).

5.      When trees (to break), birds (to disturb).

6.      If we don’t follow the rules when we visit the forest, nature (to spoil).


 VIII. T. I think we must care of our nature. Name, please, main concerns. What are people concerned about in our town? (Ps.)

T. And you? You also live in Barnaul. What about you? What problems do you find worrying? Give your reasons. (Ps.)

T. What problem do you find most worrying?

P. Air pollution.

T. Why? What happens to the environment when factories throw dirts into the air? (Ps.)

T. How can the situation be solved in Barnaul? What ways do you offer? What will they help to do? (Ps.)

T. What do you think, who is in charge of it? Who can do this? (Ps.)

T. Well, let’s read the text about a Barnaul student. Does he think that only grown-ups should care for environment?


I don’t  think only grown-ups are in charge of the environment. Children and teens can do something. They can reduce using electricity and water. You can’t install cleaning equipment – but you can not to leave litter in the streets or the forest. If you don’t break trees and care for birds and animals, it also will help to protect nature.

T.Well, now, please, answer my question. Does he think only grown-ups in charge of the environment? (Ps.)

T. What can children do to help nature? (Ps.)

T. You see, children also can do something to help environment. And what about you? Do you think that only grown-ups   can save nature? (Ps.)

T. What contribution can you make? What can you do to solve some problems? (Ps.)

T. Sometimes you go to the forest or to the country. What are you asked to do in order not to disturb wildlife? Use card №2.

Card № 2

We             are          not                asked              not               to collect paper

                                                                                                     to take flowers

                                                       allowed                               to make fire

                                                        told                                    to throw away litter

                                                                                                   to leave litter in the forest

                                                                                                   to feed birds / animals

                                                                                                    to break trees

                                                                                                    to protect wild life, animals and trees

T. Pay your attention – there are many ways to help the environment. Specialists should solve great problems, but you also can do something to help nature! Let’s make golden ecological rules to fallow them. Take cards №3 and make up the 5 best rules.

T. Now read your rules.

We must keep the country tidy.

We must grow flowers and trees.

We must protect animals and birds.

We should not throw trash in the street or parks.

T. So, we all must work together to keep our world green. The world around us is wonderful. Let’s preserve it!

IX. Заключение.

T. What is the conclusion of our lesson? Why won’t anybody help our planet and us if we don’t help ourselves?

P. I think we are children now, but in the future we’ll be grown-ups. We want to live on clean Earth. In order for us to help ourselves we must learn how to protect our planet.

T.I see you understood the problem. I’m glad with you. Thanks for your great work. Your hometask….Your marks for the lesson are….

Our lesson is over. Good bye. See you later.





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