Сценарий праздника «Domestic and Wild Animals»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы
Предлагаемый сценарий праздника предназначен для учащихся 3 класса. Праздник можно устроить по окончании раздела «Domestic and Wild Animals».

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, маскарадные костюмы разных животных

Проводится большая подготовительная работа: ребята с родителями готовят костюмы разных животных, изготовляют маски. Учитель готовит мультимедиа презентацию «Дикие и домашние животные»

Учитель себе тоже готовит костюм – Miss Goat. Miss Goat одета в белое платье и розовый парик с рожками. Входит в класс

T: Нello, boys and girls! Glad to see you! How are you? Are you fine ? Are there any problems?

P: We are fine, thank you!

Т:Where are you from ?

Р:We are from Russia.

Т:Can you say where do lions live?

Р: If my memory serves me right they live in Nndia, Africa, Asia

Т: What do lions eat?

Р: As far as I know lions eat meat

Т: How many legs has the lion?

Р: Lions has four legs

Т:Has the lion a long or a short tail?

Р:To my mind lions has a long tail

Т: Has the lion a long or a short neck?

Р: In my opinion lions has a long neck ( Таким образом, учитель по порядку расспрашивает про разные животные, чередуя дикие и домашние)

Далее учитель показывает на экране яркие красочные слайды с изображениями диких животных. Ребята называют животное и дают краткую характеристику.

Учитель одевает парик.

Т: I am Miss Goat . As you know I am afraid of wild animals. Can you tell me about some of them according the following plan:

• What is this?

• Is it a wild animal or domestic?

• Has it two or four legs?

• What kind of a tail has it got?

• What does it like to eat?

• Where does it live? Does it live in Africa, America, Russia, Great Britain?( ученики рассказывают по очереди про диких животных )

Т:Dear children, do you know where do domestic animals live?

Р:They live on a farm

Т:Do you know a song « Old Macdonald had a farm »?

Р:Yes, we do

Т: Oh , I t’s my favorite song! Would you be so kind sing this song, please !


Песня «Old Mc Donald Had a Farm»

( с ребятами можно придумать движения)

1. Old Mc Donald had a farm E-I-E-I-O!

And on this farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O!

And a duck, duck here and a duck, duck there

Here a duck, there a duck, everywhere a duck, duck


2. Old Mc Donald had a farm E-I-E-I-O!

And on this farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O!

And a pig, pig here and a pig, pig there

Here a pig, there a pig, everywhere a pig, pig


3 . Old Mc Donald had a farm E-I-E-I-O!

And on this farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O!

And a chick, chick here and a chick, chick there

Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick, chick


-Thank you, children! Do you remember the song «Mary had a little lamb»?

- Yes, we do

-Lets sing the song!

Песня « Mary Had a Little Lamb»

1)Mary had a little lamb,

Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb

Its fliece was white as snow


2)Everywhere that Mary went

Mary went, Mary went

Everywhere that Mary went

The lamb was sure to go


3) It followed her to school one day

School one day school one day

It followed her to school one day

Which was against the rule


4)It made the children laugh and play

Laugh and play laugh and play

It made the children laugh and play

To see a lamb at school


Учитель: Про этого самого ягненка мы приготовили сценку «Одинокий маленький ягненок»


Сценка « The Lonely Stray Lamb»

Появляется маленький ягненок. Плачет.

Miss Goat: Who are you? Why are you so sad?

Why do you cry?

If you tell me what’s wrong?

To help you I’ll try

The lamb: I am a poor little animal

And I am here all alone

I have no dear mother

Nor even a home

Miss Goat I am sorry

I am not your mother. I am not a sheep. I am a goat. My name is Miss Goat. Oh, somebody is coming here. I think it’s your mother.

Squirrel: Why are you so sad

Why do you cry

If you tell me what’s wrong?

To help you I’ll try

The lamb: I am a poor little animal

And I am here all alone

I have no dear mother

Nor even a home


Squirrel : You poor little animal

Come home now with me

Just follow me

To the top of this tree

The lamb: I would like to go with you

And stay with you, too

But climbing tall trees

Is something lambs can’t do

Squirrel: It’s a pity

Rabbit : Why are you so sad ? Why do you cry?

If you tell me what’s wrong?

To help you I’ll try

The lamb: I am a poor little animal

And I am here all alone

I have no dear mother

Nor even a home

Rabbit : You poor little animal

Come home now with me

There’s plenty of room

In my burrow for two


The lamb: I would like to go with you

But cannot you see

That the little round hole

It’s too narrow for me


Rabbit : I am sorry

Frog: Why are you so sad

Why do you cry

If you tell me what’s wrong?

To help you I’ll try

The lamb: I am a poor little animal

And I am here all alone

I have no dear mother

Nor even a home


Frog: You poor little animal

Just jump in this pool

To my home in the water

So fresh and so cool

The lamb: I would like to go with you

But if I went down

I could never swim back,

And I don’t want to drown

Frog: I am sorry

Little girl: Why are you so sad

Why do you cry

If you tell me what’s wrong?

To help you I’ll try

The lamb: I am a poor little animal

And I am here all alone

I have no dear mother

Nor even a home

Little girl: You poor little animal

I live on farm

You will come home with me

And youll come to no harm

The lamb: I would like to go with you

I won’t eat too much food

If you are kind to me

I’ll be happy and good

Все дети в маскарадных костюмах возвращаются. Мисс Goat раздает подарки

Т:Thank you, children! Don’t forget -take care of animals!

Тип материала: Документ Microsoft Word (docx)
Размер: 1.38 Mb
Количество скачиваний: 6
Просмотров: 91

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