Статья по английскому языку на тему: «Development of negative attitude towards corruption»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

"Описание материала:

"В статье описано отношение к коррупции.

Сейчас как никогда эта тема является актуальной.

Так как прививать негативное отношение к коррупции нужно с раннего детства.

The topic of my essay – corruption, its consequences and countermeasures against it – was not chosen by accident. We all live in very difficult times, we witness economic reforms and crises, major transformations.

Corruption as a phenomenon is well-known since ancientry.

It is neither one of the dated developments, nor a brand new feature of social reality.

Historians claim that the Humanity has been struggling with this evil more or less efficiently for more than seven centuries.

However, even by the beginning of the third millennium we, the Humanity, have not managed to get rid of corruption yet.

"Выдержка из материала:

The topic of my essay – corruption, its consequences and countermeasures against it – was not chosen by accident.

We all live in very difficult times, we witness economic reforms and crises, major transformations.

Corruption as a phenomenon is well-known since ancientry.

It is neither one of the dated developments, nor a brand new feature of social reality.

Historians claim that the Humanity has been struggling with this evil more or less efficiently for more than seven centuries.

However, even by the beginning of the third millennium we, the Humanity, have not managed to get rid of corruption yet. 

What is corruption?

According to the encyclopedia, corruption stands for the event when “government employees (officials) and representatives of governmental bodies abuse their status, official rights and powers of authority with a view of illegal enrichment, taking and using material advantages and other amenities, either with private or with lucrative purposes”.

A great disadvantage of corruption is its undermining influence on state’s economy – it decreases nation’s general welfare as well as well-being of each citizen.

Besides, corruption brings a risk of total loss of trust towards state’s authorities.Bribe is the most spectacular, dangerous and widespread sort of corruption, as well as a serious official misconduct.

Not only money, paper securities and property in general may be the subject of corruption, but also various benefits of material character.

Definitely, the struggle against corruption is crucially necessary.

It is been often declared by the Government and is clear for ordinary citizens.

We believe that only a united, strong, and consistent anti-corruption policy on all the levels of state authorities can bring positive results in such a difficult job.

But how exactly should we struggle with corruption and its reasons? Are there ways of its eradication? 

It is necessary to ensure equal legal liability for everybody.

In case of revelation of corruptive crimes, committers should be held accountable regardless of their official status or posture.In its turn, the State should implement its social commitments: development of an efficient system of taxation, reinforcement of social orientation of both federal and regional budgets, defense citizen’s rights and freedoms from corruption. 

The key importance belongs to the level of proficiency training and general culture of State officials, their business and moral qualities.

Thus, the key role in upbringing and educating further generations is played by educational institutions, especially schools.

 A special focus must be put on such moral and psychological qualities as fidelity, honesty, justice, dedication to work, uncompromising attitude to any kind of violations of law, capability to solve different issues – everything in line and with respect to human rights, National and Public interests. 

Since the very emergence of new civilizations, the Humanity has always been seeking for answers for nature’s questions. Ancient Egyptians built pyramids and unique systems of irrigation allowing to nourish the soil and water their fields.

Inhabitants of ancient China constructed the Great Wall year by year, decade by decade, in order to protect themselves for ages.

XXIst century has shown to the Humanity that neither high walls, nor great masterpieces of Einstein and Edison are not able to defend us from invisible enemies created by ourselves.

One of them is corruption that is deeply rooted everywhere where exist favorable conditions.

Nowadays struggle against corruption is one of the main conditions of renaissance of justice in the world, protection of human rights and freedoms.

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