The theme of the lesson: Omar’s album

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Ағылшынтілі 7 cынып

Theme: Omar’s album (Омардыңальбомы) (презентациясымен)
a) educational: to widen the knowledge, to revise the grammar Present Perfect Tence and make their own sentences
b) practical: to develop speaking and reading, listening skills
c) cultural: to know more about animals, and take care of them

Type of the lesson: illustrative
Method of teaching: using different methods
Relation with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian, Biology, PE etc
Visual aids: interactive board, cut papers with text, slides

Plan of the lesson
I. Org. moment
a) Greetings: - Good morning, students!
- Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear teacher!
We are glad to see you!
- I’m glad to see you too!
Sit down, please! And get ready for the lesson.

b) Duty’s report: - Who’s on duty?
- What date is it today?
- ……, write down the date on the board?
- Who’s absent?
- Thank you! Sit down!
Today we are going to pass new lesson. The theme of our demonstrative lesson is Omar’s album. In this lesson you should speak, listen and read the text, sing the song and do some exercises. Let’s begin.

I. Brainstorming
- Look at the board. What is this in the picture?
- What place is it?
- Would you like to go to the zoo?
- How can we get there?
- But on the way to the zoo what should we know?
- yes, you are right. What does the red say?
- What does the yellow say?
- What does the green say?
- Then let’s go.
- oh, we came to the zoo. But in order to enter the zoo you should answer the questions

II. Checking homework
(to answer the questions according to the hometask)
1. Speak about the life in the desert. (Шөлдегіөміртуралыайтыпбер)
2. Can you explain the Present Perfect Tense?. (Present Perfect шағынтүсіндіреаласыңба?)
3. What flowers do you know? (Қандайгүлдердібілесің?)
4. Speak about the life in the forest. (Ормандағыөміртуралыайтыпбер)
5. Make a sentence in Present Perfect Tense and put a question.( Present Perfect шағындабірсөйлемқұрастырып, сұраққой)
6. Speak about flowers. (Гүлдертуралыайтыпбер)

- You answer to all questions and we can enter and see the animals

III. New Lesson
In order to see animals in the zoo you should do the task before. After every task you can see one animal.
a) Widen your knowledge: Read and translate the text.
b) Writing task: Translate these sentences using Present Perfect Tense
c) Have a fun: Let’s sing a song
d) Listening task: Listen to the text and complete the missing letters
e) Let’s relax: Doing some exercises according to the movie

IV. Fixing the new lesson
To decide a puzzle and continue the sentence “Today’s lesson is ……….” and translate. All the questions in the puzzle concerns passed materials.

V. Conclusion
a) Giving marks:
you are so active today. Thank you for you attendance. You mark is ….
b) Giving home work:
To read the text and learn new words
To revise the Present Perfect Tence
c) Good - bye! See you next time.

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Количество скачиваний: 22
Просмотров: 161

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