The theme of the lesson: Rare animals.

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

The theme of the lesson: Rare animals.                                      Grade:7

• Students will be able to speak about animals using new vocabulary; 
• Students will be able to develop their oral speech, to use of the Present Simple,   
• To foster their love for animals. 

Language focus: Present Indefinite Tense,
The type of the lesson: developing communicative skills 
Materials required:  pictures,riddles
Technology: information-communication technology, role play, communicative technology 
Procedure of the Lesson: 
Course Teacher’s action Students’ actions Time 
1. Organization moment Greeting students 
“Good afternoon. I’m very glad to see you today. Take your seats, please.” Students greet the teacher, take their seats 

I Warm-up
Let’s read this poem. Repeat in chorus. 
The tail of the cat is long. 
The paw of the lion is strong. 
The roof of the house is tall. 
The nose of the mouse is small

Yes, we are ready. 
Repeat in chorus. 

3. Checking our homework 
4. Warm-up 
What was your homework? Which pair will begin / 
1. Today we’ll continue to speak about animals.
We have to save the nature. 
First answer to these questions
What kind of animals do you know? 
- Where do they live? 
- Where do tigers come from? 
- Where do elephants come from? 
- Are animals in danger? 
- Why are they in danger? 

Read more information about animals / 
2. And I prepared you some riddles, Can you guess? / 

1.It is very long. It does not have  . It eats small animals. It can be very dangerous.(SNAKE)

      2. It looks like a horse with black and white stripes.(ZEBRA)

      3. It is brown. It likes honey and fish.( BEAR)

      4.It is very big. It is grey. It has very long nose.( ELEPHANT)

      5. It is pink and likes to roll in the mud.(PIG)

      6. It has big ears. It has fingers and toes. It likes to swing from    trees.(MONKEY)

      7. It can fly. It has long wings. It is the American National symbol. (EAGLE)

      8. It has a very long neck and four long legs.(GIRAFFE)                             

      9. IT can swim in the water and walk  on land. It wears a shell.(TURTLE)

5.Presentation 1. 2. Read the text. // I’ll give you 5 minutes read and try to understand 
6Production 1. Make up a story using these pictures. You can see pictures of the animals. Your task is to make up  sentenses.

Work withsemantic map





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7. Conclusion & Assessment

In conclusion of our lesson I would like to say animals are our friends. We should take care of them. 

Your marks are: Both groups have worked well and I'll give you only "Good" and "Excellent" marks. 

8. Home task 1. to find  information about tigers, cheetahs, snow leopards, lions.

                                  2. to learn by heart the poems.

                                       3. to find some   facts about animals.

The lesson is over


Good bye.

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