The theme of the lesson:My new pet

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

The plan of the lesson :                                                        Form:6

The theme of the lesson:My new pet

The aim of the improve fluency & accuracy

2. to developtheir habits of reading & speaking

                           3. to practice writing & reading, listening, speaking.

The visual aids of the lesson:reading, pair works, writing, listening.

Type of the lesson: Mastering of new knowledge

Using materials: CD-s, pictures,  new words.

Procedure of the lesson

I.                   Organizing  moment(greeting , talking about day, date, weather etc.)

II.                Checking  home task1.To learn new words, to make up sentences for can, can`t, to write ex-s from w

III.             Brainstorm. Think of some pets-usual & unusual. Discuss with your classmates.

IV.            1.New lesson . My  new pet. 2.Presentation.Listen.

V.               Can you guesswhat  Flavio`s  new pet is?

3.Look at the animals in the pictures.Then listen again & find out what Flavio`s pet is.It is an insect

4.Now read the dialogue with a classmate.

5.Comprehension.Choose the correct word to make sentences about Flavio`s pet

1.It has got |hasn`t got wings.

2.It can| can`t fly.

3.It eats| doesn`t eat leaves.

4.Itis|isn`t an insect.

6.Listen . Look at the pictures of animals. Can you guess which animal Zola is describing ?(Butterfly)

IV. Grammar  practice. YesNo questions, short  answers. Work with the picture of dolphins. Then match the questions in A with the correct answers in B.

A.   Can Dolphins fly?1.Yes, they have.

B.   Are they birds?                                    2.Yes,they do.

C.   Have they got legs?                             3.No,they can`t.

D.   Can they swim?4.No,they haven`t.

E.    Do they eat grass?5.No,they aren’t.

F.    Have they got eyes?6.Yes, they are.

G.   Do they live in the sea?7.No, they don`t.

H.   Are they mammals?8.Yes,they can.

I.       V.Home task.1.To learn by heart the new words.

2.Good reading the dialogue.


VI. Giving marks.

Equipment of the lesson: question –answer,  reading, pair works,listening.

Type of the lesson: Mastering of new knowledge

Using materials: CD-s, pictures, cards

      Procedure of the lesson

I.                   Organizing  moment(greeting , talking about day, date, weather etc.)

II.                Checking  home task revise

III.             New lesson . Picture search.  New words: beach, castle, church, cinema, park, river, shop, railway station, supermarket, swimming pool, bus station, house. How many of these places can you find in Dream Town.

IV.            Writing  time 1. Ex 4  p30.

V.               Presentation. Listen &Read  Dream Town. Listen again and point to the places in the picture. VII.  Comprehension. Work with the picture. Are these sentences true or false?  There is a river. There isn`t beach. There are a lot of shops. There is a bus station. There aren`t any cinemas.

VI.            VIII. Concluding stage. 

IX. Giving home task  EX1-4pAB  SBp 30 to learn new words,  reading the text.



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