The princess of Wales –Diana Spencer

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

The  theme of the lesson:  The princess of Wales –Diana Spencer       Grade:10

The aim of the lesson: develop oral speech habits and drills 

                         2. to encouragelexics

                          3. to improve reading and speaking,analyzing habits on the theme

The aids  of the lesson: pictures, slide-shows, video.

The stages  of the lesson:

I.Organization  moment. (greeting, talking about  day, date,weather,etc.)

II. Checking  home task.

To find some information about Diana Spencer

To make a slide-show  about  Diana

III.New lesson.

To watch a video about Diana Spencer from interactive  board.

To speak about Diana`s life & her charity

Work with a text .  Ask & answer questions   to each other about Diana.

IV.Comprehension  check.

Ex.12 True & false

V.Proverb   «A good deed is never lost»

To talk about this proverb.To translate in own language.

VI. Vocabulary work.

Dissolve     Disappear     Dismiss    Put an end  to    Upbringing

PriorityPartron   Broadcast   CouncellorEngagment

VII.Home task:Retelling  the text 


To learn by heart the new  words.


VIII.The conclusion of the lesson. Giving marks.

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