Урок 10 классе. Круглый стол “So many countries, so many customs”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Конспект урока английского языка по теме: «Празднование Рождества и Нового года».

УМКГрозаО.Л. учебник New millennium English класс 10

Цикл 3 Праздники

Выполнила: Ковалева Лариса Николаевна


Цель урока: Организовать общение на английском языке по проблеме «Празднование Рождества и Нового года».

Задачи урока:

Речевая компетенция:


ØРазвитие коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности.

Ø Говорение: сообщать краткие сведения о стране изучаемого языка.

Ø Аудирование: воспринимать на слух и понимать речь учителя и   одноклассников.

Ø Чтение: читать аутентичные тексты с пониманием основного содержания.

Ø Письмо: употребление формул речевого этикета, принятых в стране изучаемого языка.


Языковая компетенция:


ØПрименение правил написания слов.

ØРаспознавание и употребление в речи основных значений изученных лексических единиц (слов, словосочетаний, реплик-клише речевого этикета).

ØСоблюдение правильного ударения в словах и фразах.


Социокультурная компетенция:


ØПредставление о сходстве и различиях в традициях своей страны и страны изучаемого языка.

ØПонимание роли владения иностранными языками в современном мире.

Учебно-познавательная компетенция:


ØУмение составлять собственные высказывания.

ØГотовность и умение осуществлять индивидуальную и совместную проектную работу.

Воспитательная компетенция:

ØФормировать стремление взаимопонимания разных культур, лучшее осознание своей собственной культуры.


Средства реализации поставленных задач:

УМК, аудиозапись, видеоприложение, карты России, Великобритании, США, дидактический раздаточный материал.


Ход урока:


Круглыйстол “So many countries, so many customs”


T       - Hello, my dear friends! Nice to see you! How are you feeling today? I think you are quite well or a little nervous? I think you are not.

Today we a going to speak about such an interesting topic as festivals and traditions.       I think all people like holidays and look forward to them and prepare for them in advance. The purpose of our discussions is to deepen comprehension and respect for other people and cultures tearing down old stereotypes and misconceptions to express attitude to a certain custom and tradition. Do you know that in a few days there will be a great festival in Rostov-on-Don devoted to customs and traditions of different countries? They will show their solidarity and friend ship. Guests from all over the world are coming to take part in this event. The programme of this festival will include sessions, discussions, round-table talks, exhibitions and a large cultural programme. There will be a lot of correspondent from the journal “Around the world” has come to have a round-table talk with you. 


P       - Hello, ladies and gentleman. My name is Alexandra.  I am a correspondent from a journal   “Around the World”. To begin with, I’d like to say that people all over the world have a lot of interesting traditions and customs. But nowadays  fever people are interested in keeping national traditions. What is tradition in your opinion? All opinions are accepted.

P       - To my mind, a tradition is  something special that brings  us together.

P       - Oh, I agree with you. In my opinion, a tradition is something unique that connects us with different generations and that comes from the past to the present.

P       - From my point of view, tradition passes down from parent to child and from friend to friend and gives birth to memories.

P       - Well, I see you understand the importance of traditions but how do you keep traditions in your countries? Are traditions important to you? What traditions do most people from Great Britain celebrate?

P       - I’m John. I should say that it’s important to people to remember certain customs and certain traditions which have taken place in Britain for a long time as a kind of reassure themselves.

P       - To most of us, Christmas is welcome break, a time for rest from work, and for    festivities and relaxation with our families and friends.

Long before there are Christmas cards to choose, as well as toys and presents to buy. Christmas puddings must be made well in advance, because the housewife says: “They’re better for keeping”. The window – dressers are turning the shop – windows into Arctic scenes – snow Eskimoes, reindeer and Father Christmas on his sleigh, loaded with presents of all kinds.

P       - And do you know that the children have been learning carols for several weeks and have already been round the village, going from door to door hoping to collect a few pennies. They sing a few carols first and before knocking repeat the old rhyme:

                            Christmas is coming; the goose is getting fat,

                            Please put a penny in the old man’s hat,

                            If you haven’t got a penny, a ha’penny will do,

                            If you haven’t a ha’penny, God bless you!

When the door opens the hat is offered for money… The children go to bed early on Christmas Eve having first hung up their stockings or perhaps a pillow-case at the bottom of the bed, in great expectations for the morning…

P       -  On Christmas Eve, the final preparations are made for Christmas Day. Some families may have a tree, often an artificial one which has to be decorated. Paper chains are hung across the rooms and paper-balls bob up and down from the ceiling. A large bunch of mistletoe hangs in a prominent position in the hall. It is known that mistletoe is especially important at this season and any woman or girl standing under it may be kissed and cannot object.

P       - Really? How interesting!

P       - I’d like to add that Christmas Day is staying at home day. We usually have Christmas dinner. It starts with roast turkey, served with sausages, bacon and bread sauce. Then comes the Christmas pudding - a solid mixture of flour, suet, sugar, eggs, currants, raisins and sultanas; and after that mince pies. There are crackers on the table, which people pull noisily. Later in the afternoon they may watch the Queen on television as she delivers her tradition Christmas message to the UK.

P       - Do you know that the day after Christmas Day is also a holiday? It’s called Boxing Day. It’s called so because it is the day on which “Christmas Boxes” are given. There are tips or presents given to the postman, dustman and others who render services to the householder. In the afternoon, there are football matches and public dances.

P       - Christmas in America is similar to Christmas in Great Britain but it has some pecularities. What are they?

P       - Going home for Christmas is a most cherished tradition of the holiday season. No matter where you may be the rest of the year, being at “home” with your family and friends for Christmas is “a must”. This means that the house will be full of cousins, aunts and uncles that might not see each other during the year. Everyone joins in to add that immigrant settlers brought Father Christmas’s name was gradually changed to Santa Claus, from the Dutch name for Father Christmas, which is Sinter Claas. Although he has origins in Norse and pre-Christmas mythology, Santa Claus took shape in the United States. Americans gave Santa Claus a white beard, dressed him in a red suit and made him a cheery old gentleman with red cheeks and a twinkle in his eye.

P       - Another important customs of Christmas is to send and receive Christmas cards (which are meant to help express the sentiment of the season). In whole the wonderful diversity of foods, music and songs, prayers and stories- all make Christmas the holiday of holidays in the United States.

P       -We have come from Russia.

P       - We also celebrate Christmas in Russia but it is on the 7th of January. This holiday is connected with the wonderful birth of Jesus Christ as it is described in the Holy Bible. On that day about 2000 year ago, Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. When Jesus was born, wise men from the East came to worship him. They gave the Child presents- gold, frankincense and myrrh. That’s why people now days try to please their friends and relatives giving them Christmas presents.

P       - Thank you so much. And what is Christmas associated with?

P       - As for me, it’s associated with getting presents.

P       - To me with Father Frost, Santa Claus.

P       - In my opinion, with big Christmas dinner.

P       - Frankly speaking, Christmas is connected with Mistletoe. It is used as Christmas and New Year decorations and kissing under a branch of mistletoe is still customary.

P       - Without doubt it’s associated with family holidays and family values. Many families gather together at that period.

P       - That’s just what I was going to say. Traditions bring families together and help to create ties that bind for a lifetime. They provide inspiration, give birth to memories and link the past and the future…

P       -If you want an extra holiday after Christmas welcome to Scotland for New Year. (Nowhere else in Britain the arrival of the New Year is celebrated so wholeheartedly as in Scotland.) Hogmanay is called New Year’s Eve in Scotland. All over the country, the preparations for greeting the New Year start with be glittering and fresh linen must be put on beds. No routine work may be left unfinished: (stockings must be darned, tears mended, clocks wound up, musical instruments tuned, and pictures hung straight. In addition, all out standing bills are paid, overdue letters written and borrowed books returned. At least, that is the idea!)

P       - Moreover, there must be plenty of good things to eat. Many families prefer to stay at home. The members of the family seat them selves round the hearth and when the hands of the clock approach the hour, the head of the family rises goes to the main door, opens it wide, and holds it thus until the last stroke of midnight has died away. Then he shuts it quietly and returns. He has let the Old Year out and the New Year in New greetings and small gift are exchanged, glasses are filled- and already the first footers are at the door.

P       - First-foot is the first person who crosses the thresh old after midnight. According to an ancient Celtic tradition the appearance of the first-foot indicates the character of the luck that will attends the family in the coming year. He must have dark hair and carry a piece of coal. The first foot greets the family with “A Happy New Year”.

P       - As far as I know there are New Year celebrations in England too. In London, many people go to Trafalgar Square on New Year’s Eve. There is singing and dancing. And how do people celebrate this holiday in the USA?

P       - Americans begin celebrating it on December 31st. Sometimes people have masquerade balls. On January 1st Americans visit friends, relatives and neighbors. In most cultures people promise to better them selves in the following year. Americans have inherited the tradition and even write down their New Year’s resolutions. That is they decide to do something all through the year (to get up early this year, not to eat so much). What ever the resolution, most of them are broken or forgotten by February!

P       - I’d like to say that New Year’s Day is the happiest holiday in Russia too. It is very popular, especially with children. In every house there is a fir-tree. (And we still believe that Father Frost). The presents are supposed to be sent by Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

The family sits round a festive table, address New Year’s greetings and good wishes to one another and raise wine glasses filled with sparkling champagne.

P       - New Year is without doubt the most colorful and happiest holiday. Whatever the custom, most people feel the same sentiment. With a new year we can expect a new life. We wish each other good luck and promise ourselves to do better in the following year. By the way (I wonder) if there are any other holidays which can be seen only in some regions?

P       - Oh, yes. We have such holidays in Russia and they are very popular in our Don regions. They are weddings, Epiphany, Old New Year’s Eve, one’s name day, Easter. Every year in May a great folk festival is held in Stanitsa “Veshenskaya”. It is devoted to the birthday of Michael Sholohov, a great Don writer. Here you can watch pieces from Sholokhov’s plays, listen to Don Cossack songs, eat traditional Don dishes, watch spoons, dolls, traditional Don costumes.

P       - What interesting information! I haven’t heard about it before.

P       - And I want to tell you about one of  the oldest Russian holidays, Maslenitsa.

P       - What a wonderful festivity!

P       - You know the readers have been always interested in reading articles about love and feelings. It is known that the majority of people in the world celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. What customs and traditions do you have (know)?

P       - (Is speaking about St. Valentine’s Day)

P       - Let’s sing one more song: “I just call to say I love you”

No New Year’s Day to celebrate,

no chocolate cover’d candy hearts to give away,

No first of spring, no song to sing,

In fact here’s just another ordinary day

No April rain, no flower’s bloom,

no wedding Saturday within the month of June.

But what it is something true

made up of these three words that I must say to you.

I just call to say I love you, I just call to say how much I care.

I just call to say I love you and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

P       - I’m sure that the readers will like this interesting story about love. Thank you so much for your work. I’m grateful to you. I wish you all the best.

T       - Well, I see you know a lot about customs and traditions and you are interested in learning about different countries. Now you get some new information about exotic festivals. Will you open your work books on page 30?

Ex. 1                    The task is to read the texts and match them to the sentences summarizing the main idea in written form. Take these sheets of paper, write down your surname, then the number of the sentence and the name of festival. I’ll give you 5 min to find information. (About what festival is the first sentence? Why? Prove it)

         - We have already said that this festival is devoted to the traditions and customs of different countries. I think the words of this old Chinese proverb express the motto of this festival.

If there is a rightness in the soul

There will be beauty in the person

If there is beauty in the person

There will be harmony in the home

If there is harmony in the home

There will be order in the nation

If there is order in the nation

There will be peace in the world.


I hope for this and wish you health and wealth.


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