Урок английского языка по теме «So many countries»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

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Учитель: Платонова О.Г.

“Hello boys and girls. Get ready for the lesson”

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Today we are going to start learning a new topic. Its called “So many countries, so many customs” (слайд 1)What does the word “custom” mean?Lets read the definition from the dictionary (слайд 2)To talk about different countries and places of the world well need some words, which youve already learnt. Open your exercise books and write down the date. Today is…Look at the board-the task is…

Write the words in 2 columns.Now lets check your answers. I would like you to come up to the board and write the names of the objects you see.Every country has its own traditions, customs and symbols. One of the main symbols of the country is its flag. Look at those flags. What unites the countries, which they represent (except Russia?)

Now work in pairs. Discuss and match each country with its flag.

Except flags and anthems in every country there are also very popular sights and places of interest. When we see them, we can immediately say where the person was (if its a photo)Work in pairs. Discuss what countries these places belong to.Each country has its own history, too. At home you had to answer the questions about Russia, GB and the USA history. Today we are going to talk about Russia and GB. We are going to work in 2 groups.

-Match the questions with the answers.

-Tell a short story about the country.

- Make 2 questions to the other group.

Write 2 new things youve learnt in our lesson. Report back.At home you are to tell the story about the 2nd country. Add your own information.The lesson is over. Good bye.

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Количество скачиваний: 15
Просмотров: 103

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