Урок на тему: "Страны и национальности"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Тақырыбы:  “ Countries and nationalities”

Мақсаты:Ел аттарын және кімнің  қай елден келгенін сұрауды үйрету. Аңдардың және олардың қай елдерде мекендейтінін айтқызып үйрету. Елді мекенді сүюге тәрбиелеу.

Сабақтың әдісі:  Сұрақ – жауап

Сабақтың типі: Аралас сабақ

Көрнекілігі: тақырыптық суреттер, слайд, әлемдік карта.

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі, география

Сабақтың  барысы:


Organisation moment:  Good afternoon,children! I’m glad to see you. How are you today?  What colour is your mood? My mood is yellow, because the sun is shining  brightly. If  you are fine, let’s start our lesson.


Checking the home – task:

Dialogue and the new words

The new theme of the lesson. Our today’s new theme is ‘Countries and nationalities ’  We’ll today learn and speak about different  countries and nationalities  and living in the countries.


Look  at  the  world map and  repeat . Let’s translate.

1.     USA

2.     Kazakhstan

3.     India

4.     Spain

5.     France

6.     Germany

7.     Great Britain

8.     Italy

9.     Korea

10.                       Turkey

11.                       China



12.                       Japan

IV. Presentation

Now look at the active board. You can see the pictures. What kind of nationalities do you know ? Let’s say.

V. Practice

In order to check your understanding.Let’s play a matching game. On the right side on the board you can see the names of the countries or the left the names of nationalities.

VI. Time to rest:

Look at these video and sing altogether.

VII. Work with active vocabulary.

Very well. Look at the board.

You can see the animals. Repeat after me their names.

 Camels, bears, giraffes, tigers, elephants,zebras, monkeys.

Answer the question:

Where do Camels come from?

They come from Kazakhstan .

     Work in pairs:  Ask each other where the animals come from.

     A game:  On the desks you can see the pictures of animals. Your task is to put the           picture to the country come  from.


     VIII.  Production: Now I want you to do the following task


     IX.  Home – task:  Write the countries in your vocabulary copybook learn the key words   by heart.

Give me your record book, I’ll put down your marks

        The lesson is over. Good – bye!




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