Урок по английскому языку на тему "The World of Work" (7-8 классы)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы




8 “c” (2nd group), 7 “c” (2nd group)


DauletovaA.U., ArstangaliyevaG.K.





The theme:

The world of work

Typeofthe lesson:

Integrated. Untraditional lesson.

Form of the lesson:

Press conference

Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to:

C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively andcooperatively in groups;

S6 link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges;

S7use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a growing range of general topics, and some curricular topics;

L7 begin to recognize typical features at word, sentence and text level of a limited range of spoken genres.

Upbringing:to bring up patriotism, respect for the country and a right choice of a profession.

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: get some information about types, skills and characteristics of jobs; learn some subject-specific words related to occupations;

Most learners will be able to: act out the role play situations;

Some learners will be able to:analyze questions critically and give full-extended answers.

Language objectives:

Development of speaking and listening skills.

Success criteria:

Use subject-specific vocabulary about job;

Give full answers with minor mistakes and pronunciation;

Recognize the opinion of the speaker on general and some curricular topics.

Integration of disciplines:

English. Country study. Geography.

Previous activities:

Students are given home task in order to prepare for role-playing press conference. Studying job vocabulary.

Procedure of the lesson

Lesson stages

Planned activities




Main part






Teacher greets students and explains them the aims of the lesson.

In order to repeatprevious vocabulary related to famous job/occupations (journalist, artist, singer and so on.) students do the matching task. They should match different pictures of professions with related items.

After that teacher divides them into three groups with the help of cards according to the types of professions and introduces new words providing definitions. Teacher asks them what they know about president, freelancer, manual workers: (President-the political leader of a country that does not have a king or queen; Freelancer-working for several different organizations, and paid according to the hours you work; Manual worker-a person whose job involves physical work.)

1st group: “President”;

2nd group: “Freelancer”;

3rd group: “Manual workers”.

After that, ten students prepare for the role-play. Teacher announces other ten students that they are going to press-conference in order to enlarge their knowledge about profession. In this regard, they will be observers.

Teacher gives handout papers where half of students should complete the table based on role-playing in a press-conference (in 3 groups). Teacher gives instructions:

What kind of professions did you notice in this role-play?

Could you describe the skills and characteristics of these professions?

Further students who are responsible for the role-play act out their roles in a press conference:

“Meeting of Presidents: Attraction of investment of oil industry”.

(Course of the press-conference: there will be a meeting of president Nazarbayev, president Putin, Minister of oil and gas - UzakbayKarabalin, entrepreneurs of Eni and NCOC companies, oil workers, translator, journalist and camera man. Each of them should deliver a speech and discuss about a progress of Kashagan oil field. In the end, both countries will come to the uniform agreement.)

After the press conference students-observers check their answers.(They give feedback to press-conference).

Then they should make flipcharts answering the following questions:

- Advantages and disadvantages of their professions (president, freelancer, manual workers).

For this, each group should defend their projects and other groups should give their marks.

Giving feedback:

Students are givenparts of flowers (multi-colored petals and leaves). They should write new information that they have learnt during the lesson on petals and they write questions about what they would like to study on next lesson. Then they hang out them on the board in the form of a flower.

Appendix 1


Handout paper

Video: Kashagan oil field


Appendix 2

Petals and leaves of flowers

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