Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 1 класса «Праздник алфавита» (ABC party)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

"Описание материала:

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку проводилось для учащихся первых классов, 2 урока в неделю, по учебнику Верещагиной.

Мероприятие проводилось среди четырёх классов. От каждого класса выбиралась команда в количестве 6-7 человек.

У команд были свои задания, на которые выделялось определённое количество времени. Пока команды выполняли работу, зрители получали свои задания. Цель мероприятия: закрепить знания учащихся, полученные за первый год обучения.

"В конспекте даны все задания для команд. Конспект - на английском языке.

"Выдержка из материала:


1. to consolidate the knowledge of the pupils having been received for this year, to consolidate the usage of the English letters and sounds; 2. to develop reading skills, to develop memory, logical thinking and imagination; 3. to educate pupils to work in groups and individually.

Equipment: tape-recorder, cards with tasks for teams, cards with tasks for the audience, blackboard. 


I. Preliminaries. II. Competition. III. Conclusions.


I. Preliminaries.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are having “The ABC party”. We will see how good you know the English alphabet. The pupils of 1 “B” form will sing a song “The ABC”. The pupils sing the song.

Teacher: Thank you very much, sit down please. Now we are ready to start our competition.

II. Competition.

1. The teams get the task “Cross out the Russian letters”. They have 3 minutes for this task. During the work of the teams the teacher asks 4 pupils (1 from each class) from the audience to come up to him. There is a blackboard with the letters mixed the pupils have to find the pairs of the letters. 

2. The teams get the task “Match the pictures and the words”. They have 3 minutes for this task. During the work of the teams the teacher asks 4 pupils (1 from each class) from the audience to come up to him. The pupils get the shits of paper with the alphabet. Their task is to find and write the missing letters. 

3. The teams get the task “Oughts and crosses”. They have 3 minutes for this task. During the work of the teams the teacher asks the audience the questions:

  • a) Tell the alphabet. (3 pupils)
  • b) Count from 1 to 10 (2 pupils)
  • c) What is your telephone number?
  • d) What toys have you got?
  • e) What games do you like to play?

4. The teams get the task “Write the letters according to the sounds”. They have 5 minutes for this task. During the work of the teams the teacher the pupils of 1 “A” show the dance “Sweets”.

5. The teams get the task “Apples”. They have 3 minutes for this task. During the work of the teams the teacher asks 4 pupils (1 from each class) from the audience to come up to him. The pupils get the shits of paper with the alphabet. The pupils have to join the letters and get the picture. 

6. The teams get the task “Write the letters in order”. They have 3 minutes for this task. During the work of the teams the teacher will show the cards with letters with unfinished writing. They have to guess the letter. 

III. Conclusions.

Teacher: Dear judges, please count the points and say who has won. While our judges count the points the pupils of 1 “D” form show the fairy-tale “The cat and the mouse”.The judges tell the places and the teacher rewards the teams:

  • I place – a box of chocolate
  • II place – pens
  • III place – pencils 

Teacher: Dear pupils thank you for coming good-bye!

Cards with tasks for teams

Task 1 Cross out the Russian letters:Вв, Ff, Zz, Ss, Яя, Mm, Цц, Dd, Bb, Hh, Жж, Gg, Ээ, Jj, Nn, Qq, Uu, Тт, Nn, Rr

Тип материала: Документ Microsoft Word (docx)
Размер: 2.47 Mb
Количество скачиваний: 34
Просмотров: 113

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