What colour is the…?

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы
 The plan of the lesson Date: 13.04.2014 Grade: 2 V The theme of the lesson: What colour is the…? The aims of the lesson: a)    Educational aim: To encourage pupils to9 have dialogues and express their opinions. To introduce new words. b)     Developing  aim: to develop pupil’s speech habits and skills, as well as habits in reading, writing, listening and thinking with the help  of different activities. To develop pupils interest in the lesson through the games. c)     Cultural aim: to bring up love and interest in the subject, respect of their parents and teachers, accurate speech and neat handwriting. The type of the lesson: mixed lesson The methods of the lesson: explanation, question-answer, game technology. The procedure of the lesson 1.    Organization moment a)    – Good morning, pupils! -Good morning, teacher! -How are you? -We are fine, thanks - Sit down please!         b) – Who is on duty today?         - I am on duty today.         - Who is absent?         - All are present.         с) – Today is the 13th of April. What day of the week is it today?         - Today is Tuesday. 2.Warm-up It’s fun to be this It’s fun to be that To jump like a dog To mew like a cat 3.Checking up the homework a)    Ex 10 p 90 ( book) Теперь ты можешь сам прочитать и понять письмо на английском языке. Hello, my friend! I am from America. My nme is Mike. I am six. I’ve got a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. I’ ve got a grandmother,too. But I haven’t got a grandfather. I’ve got an aunt and an uncle. My mother is a teacher. Her name is Helen. My father is not a teacher. He is a worker. His name is Sam.my grandmother is a doctor. My aunt aqnd my uncle are engineers. They’ve a son and a daughter. Their daughter wants to be an engineer, too. Their son is a pilot., but he wants to be a comonaut. My sister is not a pupil. She is five. Her name is Ann. My brother is a pupil. His name is Tom. He wants to be a driver. My sister doesn’t want to be a driveshe wanmts to be a teacher. I want to be a cosmonaut. My brother, sister and  I have got a dog. His name is Rex. We’ve got a cat, too. Her name is Pussy. My brother likes to play with the dog and my sister likes to play with the cat. I like to play with the dog and the cat. b)    Ex 1 p 43 ( work book) c)     Describe the picture. They like to play hide-an-seek, but  Liz doesn’t like to play hide-and –seek. They like to play tag. Mike oesn’t like to play tag. They like to play hopscoth. Kitty likes to play hopscotch, too. They like to play leap-frog. Pam likes to play leap-frog, too. 4.Explain the new matyerial of the lesson. It is = It’s -it is a ball.                – It’s a dog. - it is a cat.               – It’s a doll. -Red, a red ball,red balls, a red cat, red cats, a red dog,  red dogs. My red cat hs got a red kitten. His cat has got a kitten. It’s red, too. -Green, a green ball,  green balls; have you got a green ball?  No, I have got a red ball. My sister has got a ball. –it’s green. - bird, a bird, a bird- birds. Have you got a bird?  I’ve got a bird. – it’s green. Игра на внимание. Учитель расставляет карточки разных цветов. Учащиеся должны посмотреть на них в течение одной минуты и запомнить их последовательность. Затем учитель убирает карточки, а учащиеся должны назвать цвета в той последовательности, в которой они были показаны. For example: a red ball, a red doll, a red pen, a green pencil, a red book, a green bird.   5.Doing tasks   1.    -Учащиеся называют числа, которые делятся на 2 и 3 - учащиеся считают через один (1-3-5 и т.д) - обратный счет ( 10,9,8,7,6 и т.д)   2.    Exercise 8, page 96 А теперь прочитай слова и предложения.    a+ll [ᴐ: ]: a ball- balls, four balls. Do you want to play with a ball? No, I don’t.   [ᴐ]: a dog- dogs, seven dogs, frog, hop, scotch, hopscotch, to play hopscotch. My friend likes to play hopscotch. Does your friend like to play hopscotch? No, he doesn’t.   [i]: it, kitten, it’s a kitten, it’s a dog, it’s a cat, a kitten- kittens, ten kittens. My cat has got six kittens. Has your cat got five kittens? No, she hasn’t.   [æ]: am, and, tag, to play tag. An likes to play tag. Do you like to play tag? Yes, I do. Does your friend like tp play tag? No, he doesn’t. Exercise 3, page 44 3.    Теперь напиши  слова, начинающиеся с указанных букв (  слов столько, сколко черточек). Exercise 4, page 44     4. Посмотри  на картинки, выбери и прочитай те предложения, которые им соответствуют. Зачеркни предложения, не соответсвующие картинкам.   6.The end of the lesson Home task: -exercises 7,8 page 96. (textbook)                      -then to learn by heard the new words                      - exercise 5, page 45 Our lesson is over! Good bye pupils!
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