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Lesson Theme: Welcome to Disneyland! Grade: 6th Materials for the lessons: -Vocabulary pictures -Story pictures -Teacher’s story of “Disneyland” 4 sentences long. Objectives: SWBAT identify 7 new vocabulary words about Disneyland. SWBAT answer 5 questions about the text on Disneyland. SWBAT write four sentences about their own park. Lesson Phase Student and Teacher interaction Type of interaction Time Introduction Setting Aim: Warm up -Check home work. “Now we are going to travel to Disneyland but first let’s see how your trip was...” T-CL 1 min P1: Presentation -Review grammar; regular and irregular verbs; ) then asks questions. Questions are then asked to the class. -(New) Vocabulary; ceremony, knowledge, create, magical, acre, dusty, happy, playgrounds, Disneyland. T-CL 10 min 5 min P2: Practice -T. reads dialogue in English: use story pictures ( 6 story pictures will illustrate each sentence of the dialogue) to enhance student comprehension. then reads story in Kazakh also using the story pictures. -Story pictures will be handed out to students. Students will then read the part of the story that their picture corresponds to. - Comprehension check. Ask 4 to 5 questions regarding the text to test the students understanding of the material. Make sure to ask 3 students for each question. T. will assign homework task after the comprehension check). T-S 5 min 7 min 5 min P3: Production -Present to students T’s own story about their park “Disneyland”4 sentences long. -Have each student write a story about their own park using 5 of the new vocabulary words. S1,S2,S3 1 min 9 min Assessment of students Dialogues, vocabulary, activity, story. 1 min Homework Write 4 sentences about fantasy park in Almaty using 5 new vocabulary words. 1 min