Открытый урок на тему 'Whose T-shirt is this?'

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

Form:5 “А”

Theme: Whose T-shirt is this?

The aims of the lesson:

1. Educational: To improve skills of speech activity of pupils the use before the studies lexicon on a theme Whose T-shirt is this?   speech of pupils to explain knowledge of pupils on use grammatical  the phenomenon.     

2. Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral  speech , to develop   pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing ,  grammar pronouns  and lexical skills.

3. Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each   other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom and to develop friendship.


Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English.

Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction.

The visual aids: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters, computers.


1.     Organization moment.

2.     Checking up the homework.

3.     Phonetic drill.

4.  Work with the text.

5.  Doing physical exercise.

     6.  Giving homework.

7.  Marking.

8.  Conclusion.


                                           The procedure of the lesson:

                                             1. Organization moment.

-Good morning, pupils!

-Good morning, teacher!

-Thank you, sit down, please!

-Who is on duty today?

-I am on duty today.

-Who is absent?

-All are present.

-What date is it today?

-Today is the 22nd  of October.

-And what day is it today?

-Today is Wednesday.

-Take your seat please.


                                       2. Checking up the homework:

-Let’s check up your homework. What was your hometask for today?

-Our homework for today was to do an exercise 14, at page 57.

-I’ll give stars, squares, rounds and they show your marks.

   Red star – excellent

   Green square – good

   Yellow round – satisfied

-Who is ready?

-May I?

-Yes, you may please.

-Thank you. You are clever boy!



                                                3. Phonetic drill.

Жаңа сабақты бастамас бұрын тілді жаттықтыру мақсатында фонетикалық жаттығуды оқимыз.


-Are you tired?  Now let’s  rest.  Let’s read our phonetic drill. At first I’ll read it. Then you’ll repeat with me.


                                      Mother, Father, Sister, Brother,

                                     Hand in hand with one another.

                                         4. Work with the text.

-Ok, pupils, look at the exercise 1, at page57. Talk to your friend. See the exercise 7, at page 56.

-How many pens have you got?

-I have got 5 pens.

-Very good, pupils!

-Look at the exercise 2, at page 57. Listen.

Mrs Evans: Colin, whose T-shirt is this?

Is it yours or Carol’s?

Colin: It’s not mine, it’s Carol’s.

Mrs Evans: And whose jeans are these?

Are they yours, Carol?

Carol: Mine? No, they aren’t mine, they’re Colin’s.

-Well done, pupils! Today we have new words, look at your papers.

Socks[sɔks] – шұлық                                    trousers[‘trauzǝz] –шалбар

T-shirt[ti:ʃǝ:t] –футболка                            a shirt[ʃǝ:t] - рубашка

Trainers[‘treɪnǝs] –кроссовка                     a tie[taɪ] - галстук

Jeans[ʤi:nz] –джинсы                               a cap[‘kӕp] - кепка

A skirt[skǝ:t] – белдемше                            a pullover[‘pul’ɔuvǝ] - пулловер

A sweater[‘swetǝ] –свитер                         a blouse[blauz] - блузка

Roller skates[‘rǝulǝ ‘skeɪtǝ –роликтер         a jacket[‘ʤӕkɪt]- жәкет

An anorak[‘ӕnǝrӕk] – пәлте                    shoes[ʃu:z] - туфли

A hat[hӕt] - шляпа                                     a dress[dres] – көйлек


-Very good, pupils! Look at the exercise 3, at page 58. Read one by one word.

-Well done, pupils!

-Pupils look at the blackboard.


It’s – it is                                          

They’re – they are


             yours                                                Asel’s

It’s       hers                                 They’re    Omar’s

            His                                                    theirs


-Ok, look at the exercise 5, at page 59. Listen and repeat.

Mrs Evans: Whose T-shirt is this?

Colin: It’s Carol’s.

-Ok, look at the exercise 6, at page 59. Talk to your friend about your things.

-Whose pen is this?

-It’s Erbol’s.

-Well, look at the exercise 7, at page 59. Listen and repeat.

Mrs Evans:Whose jeans are these?

Carol: They’re Colin’s.

-Well done, pupils, look at the exercise 8, at page 59. Talk to your friend about your things in the plural form.

-Whose notebooks are these?

-They are Aidana’s.

-Whose copybooks are these?

-They are Kanat’s.

-Whose rulers are these?

-They are Marat’s.

-Whose pencils are these?

-They are Araylim’s.

                                  5.  Doing physical exercise.


-Are you tired? Now let’s  rest.  Let’s do  our  physical exercise. At first I’ll do it. Then you’ll repeat with me.

Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

Stamp your feet together.


-Look at exercise 9, at page 59. Listen and repeat.

 Mrs Evans: Is this your T-shirt, Colin?

Colin: No, it isn’t mine. It’s Carol’s


-Look at the exercise10, at page 59. Talk to your friend.

-Is this your bag, Aigul?

-Yes, it is mine.


-Very good, pupils! Look at the exercise 11, at page 59. Listen and repeat.

Mrs Evans: Are these your jeans, Carol?

Carol: No, they aren’t mine. They’re Colin’s.


-Ok, let’s do an exercise 12, at page 59. Talk to your friend.

-Are these your copybooks, Zhazira?

-Yes, they are mine.


-Everybody look at the exercise 13, at page 59. Listen and read.


This is my head.

These are my arms.

These are my hands.

These are my feet.


-Well done, pupils! Look at the exercise 14, at page 60.  Talk to your friend about Colin’s, Carol’s, Mr and Mrs Evans’ things.

a) -Whose sweater is this?

    -It’s Carol’s


b) -Whose trousers are these?

    -They’re Mr Evans’

c) -Is this Colin’s T-shirt?

    -Yes, it is.

d) -Are these Mr Evans’ trainers?

    -No, they aren’t. They’re Colin’s.


6. Giving homework.


-Open your diaries and write down your homework. Do exercises 15, 16, at page 60.


                                                      7. Marking

-Today you were so active and I’ll put your marks.

-Erbol is excellent

- Aidana is excellent

-Abylai is excellent, too

-And Madina is good.


                                                    8. Conclusion.

-Have you understood the lesson?

-Yes, we have.

- Now, stand up pupils! The lesson is over, Good bye, children!

- Good bye, teacher!



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