Ролевая игра "Shopping" для 6 классов

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


Умеренно- контролируемая ролевая игра “ Inthesupermarket”

Образовательная цель: - расширение общего кругозора учащихся. Воспитательные цели: - воспитание культуры общения

- воспитание потребности в практическом использова­нии языка.

Практические задачи: - развитие умений участвовать в общении в связи с предъявленной ситуацией, выражать свое отношение к предмету разговора.

Роли: - 4 Girls(G)

- 2 Shop-assistants (SA)


Girl 1:

She wants to buy a pair of shoes.


The shoes with heels-туфлинакаблуках

To drop into- заглянутьв

In fashion- вмоде

Size- размер

To try it on- примерить

How much they are- Сколькоонистоят?

Girl 2:

She wants to buy a blouse.


Clothes department- отделодежды

Summer blouse- летняяблузка

Classic blouse- классическаяблузка

To try it on- примерить

It’stoobig/small- она слишком большая/маленькая

Girl 3:

She wants to buy a perfume.


Fresh smell- свежийзапах

 Sweet notes-сладкиенотки

Sharp-резкий (запах)

Girl 4:

She wants to buy a skirt.


A clothes department-отделодежды

Summer skirt-летняяюбка

To try it оп-примерить

In fashion-вмоде

I look so...in it-явыгляжу.. .вэтом!

Shop assistant:

 You should help girls to choose the goods.



Can I help you?-могуявамчем-топомочь?.

What about...? - какнасчет...?

It costs...- этостоит...


Iadviceyou...- я советую вам...

То tryiton-примерить

Youarewelcome! - Всегда пожалуйста! Обращайтесь!



Т(Teacher): Good-morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please.

Everybody was in the supermarket. And you know how to do shopping.

Today we’ll go shopping.

Now take the cards with the roles. (Распределениеролей)

I’ll give you 3 minutes to think over.

Listen to me. The following situation happened in the supermarket. Подруги приходят в супермаркет и каждый ищет что-то своё, но не может найти нужные товары. Напомощьимприходитпродавец-консультант.

We’ll act out this situation twice by two groups. Then we’ll discuss it.


S.A.: Good-afternoon, girls! Welcome to our supermarket! What would you like to buy? Can I help you?

Gl: I’m looking for a pair of shoes.

G2: But I want to buy a blouse.

S.A.: We’ve got a lot. Let’s start shopping. At first I advise you to drop into this boot-section.

Gl: Very well! Let’s go. Then we’ll go to the clothes department.

G2: That’s right!

S.A.: What kind of shoes would you like?

Gl: I think, the black ones with heels, please.

S.A.: What about this pair? I think you should try them on.

Gl: No, they are too expensive for me...

G2: I think you should buy this pair. At first they are in fashion...and they are cheaper.

Gl: Oh, how wise you are! They suit me perfectly!

S.A.: I agree with your friend!

Gl: They are just what I wanted! How much they are?

S.A.: 10 pounds.

Gl: All right! I’ll take them. Where can I pay for them?

S.A. At the cash-desk.

G2: And what about me? I’m looking for a blouse. Can you help me?

S.A.: Sure! Let’s go to the clothes department.

Gl: Well, that’s right!

S.A.: What kind of blouse would you like?

G2: I’m looking for a summer bright one.

S.A.: What about this one?

G2: That looks nice! May I try it on?

S.A.: Yes, sure! Is it all right?

Gl: No, it’s too big for her.

G2: Have you got a smaller one?

S.A.: Unfortunately, we haven’t. It was the last one...

Gl: I think you should try this blouse on.

G2: Oh, I’m not sure...

S.A.: It’s a very fashion blouse and at the same time it’s not expensive.

Gl; Try it on, please...

G2: Well...Super!!! I look so pretty in it!

Gl: How wise  I’am!

G2: It’s just what I wanted! I’ll take it! How much does it cost?

S.A.: 11 pounds.

G2: How lucky I am!

Gl: Let’s go to the cash-desk.

G2: Thank you for your help and advice!

S.A.: You are welcome!


S.A.: Good-afternoon, girls! Welcome to our supermarket! What would you like to buy? Can I help you?

Gl: Hello! Yes, please! I’m looking for a perfume.

S.A.: Only perfume?

G2: I’m looking for a skirt.

S.A.: Well! At first I advise you to drop into the clothes department.

Gl and G2: OK’

S.A.: What kind of skirt would you like?

G2: I’m looking for a classic black one.

S.A.: OK’ What about this one? You should try it on.

Gl: I think so, too. But I think it’s out of fashion...

G2: it looks nice. I want to try it on.

S.A.: Here you are.

G2: Oh, no… I  look so old in it! What about another one?

S.A.: Sure! Here you are. This one is in fashion and not so expensive.

G2: Well... It’s so wonderful! It’s just what I wanted. How much does it cost?

S.A.: 8 pounds.

G2: It’s rather cheap... I’ll take it.

S.A.: Here you are!

G2: Thank you!

S.A.: Now, if I’m not mistaken, we should buy a perfume.

Gl: Sure! Let’s go to the perfume department.

G2: Wait a little. Where can I pay for skirt?

S.A.: At the cash-desk.

G2: Thank you!

S.A.: What kind of smell do you prefer?

Gl: Let me think a little... I like fresh smell with the sweet notes.

S.A.: OK’ What about this one?

Gl: Oh, no! It’s too sharp.

G2: What do you think about this one?

Gl: Yes!!! It smells wonderful! How much does it cost?

S.A.: Er... 5 pounds.

Gl: It’s too expensive for me...

S.A.: What about this one? It costs 3 pounds.

Gl: It’s just what I wanted!!! I’ll take it!

S.A.: Here you are.

Gl: Thank you for your help!

S.A.: You are welcome!


T.: It was great! I like your ideas very much. You played so realistic!

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Просмотров: 91

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