Конспект урока по английскому сзыку для 4 класса «Hobbies. Watching Cartoons»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Данный урок проводился для учителей региона, прошел на хорошем методическом уровне, всем понравился: гостям, детям, администрации.

Поставленные цели и задачи (Задача: Развитие речевых умений и совершенствование речевого навыка) выполнены, все этапы и приемы работы на уроке тщательно продуманы, учащиеся очень активны,любознательны, хорошо подготовлены.

Тема урока имеет личностно-ориентированную напрвленность, прослеживается направленность на предметные, общепредметные компетентности, связь с жизнью, практической деятельностью.

Это урок обобщения и систематизации знаний, их комплексного применения.

1. Hello, kids. Glad to see you.

What is the subject of our lessons? (проекция слайдов) Yes, you are quite right: “Hobbies”.

Today we have our final lesson on this topic. So, we are to brush up and to speak as much as possible.

2. Warm up. (Mind map) What is a hobby? What hobbies do you know?

So, watching films. What films do you care for?

I see, cartoons are your favourite. What cartoons? (About animals, people, pirates, children, nature, Indians). Why? (проекция фрагментов из разных мультфильмов)

3. Two pupils have made a survey on what films and cartoons your classmates prefer.

Would you like to learn the results of the opinion poll? ( выступление ребят по результатам опроса).

We asked 3 questions: What films do you like? What is your favourite cartoon? Most of the mates prefer detective films, feature films and cartoons. 10 pupils care for ……, 5 pupils care for…… And nearly 20 are fond of cartoons. So, to sum up, cartoons are everybody’s favourite. The top favourite cartoons are: Tom and Jerry, Donald Duck, Masha and the Bear, Prostokvashino, Cinderella,…

4. Now, I’d like to know your favourite films. Please, split into groups of 3. You are to share your stories. While listening to each other make notes on 3 criteria so that to put a mark.

















Marking pupils’ answers (estimation).

A sample. My favourite cartoon is Mickey Mouse. It has great success. Mickey is a funny friendly mouse. It is like a man. The audience saw Mickey Mouse for the first time in 1928. Mickey became very popular, a real film star. The Mouse has got friends: Donald Duck, Pluto. They are bright, kind, friendly and clever. Mickey and his friends can’t build the ship because they haven’t got skills. The cartoon is easy to watch, interesting and funny. You really relax.

5. Some physical activity.

6. Stop кадр.

• Dialogue

-Peter Pan!

-Yes, why?

-Peter, I have always wanted to meet you and you are here –really here. I’m talking to you. I was sure you would come back for your shadow.

-Could you help me with my shadow?

-Certainly. But how did you lose it?

-Well, I was listening to your stories and…

-My stories! But my stories are about you!

-I know, that’s why I like them.

-But I’m afraid there won’t be more stories now.


-You see, tomorrow I’ve got to grow up.

-Grow up? What a pity! Let’s go to Never Never Land. Nobody grows up there.

-Never Never Land! It sounds great!

-Just a minute! I can’t go without my brothers John and Michael.

-OK, join me.

-How we will get there, I wonder.

-We’ll fly there. Off we go. Come on.

Watching 37.37

7. What other characters can you name? What are they like?

9.Home task: My impressions of the cartoon’’ Peter Pan’’ in writing.

10. The results of the lesson: Thank you everybody. You really pleased me. Have a nice day. Take care.

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Количество скачиваний: 21
Просмотров: 94

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