Урок + презентация по английскому языку для 10 класса «Designing a poster for Youth Travel Agency»
Предмет: | Иностранные языки |
Категория материала: | Конспекты |
Автор: |
Кудяева Елена Евгеньевна
"Описание материала:
План конспект урока для 10 класса по английскому языку по теме «Designing a poster for Youth Travel Agency» учебник Тимофеев В.Г. «Uр & Up» Unit3 составлен с элементами сингапурского метода обучения.
Используются Learning structures and technics and Principals of Cooperative Learning для повышения мотивации обучения и развития универсальных учебных действий.
В форме тренингов и игр учащиеся приобретают знания и навыки, позволяющие мыслить, высказывать свое мнение, постоянно быть активными. Развиваются реальные навыки работы в команде.
"Выдержка из материала:
План-конспект урока учителя английского языка МБОУ «Тетюшская СОШ№1 им. Ханжина П.С.», г.Тетюши Республика Татарстан Кудяевой Елены Евгеньевны.
"Учебник: Тимофеев В.Г. «Uр & Up. Students Book: учебник английского языка для 10класса: среднее (полное) общее образование (базовый уровень).
"Класс: 10
"Тема: Designing a poster for Youth Travel Agency. (Unit3)
"Цели: совершенствование УУД учащихся: регулятивных, познавательных, личностных и коммуникативных с использованием сингапурской методики обучения, развитие реальных навыков работы в команде, создание «желания» и «навыка» для сотрудничества, построение положительных отношений между учениками, улучшение микроклимата в классе и получения удовольствия от урока, совершенствование умений планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение; учить детей самостоятельно мыслить, находить и решать проблемы, привлекая для этой цели знания из разных областей; повышение мотивации обучения, формирование качеств гражданина и патриота.
"Задачи: обобщение ранее изученного языкового материала, активизация и закрепление лексики по теме урока; тренировать учащихся в работе в парах, в группах, практиковать учащихся в формулировке выводов; контроль речевых умений публичного выступления, активизация познавательной деятельности. Оборудование: компьютер, аудиодиск, проектор, карточки Learning Structures, презентация Power Point “My home town “, листы ватмана, цветные фломастеры, приложение 1,2.
I. Организационный момент.
T: Our work today is based on the Principals of Cooperative Learning. There are four main principals: PIESPositive interdependence-положительная взаимозависимость, Individual accountability-индивидуальная ответственность,Equal participation-равное участие, Simultaneous interaction-одновременное взаимодействие. Lets say after me.
T: Сообщение темы урока.Today we try to create a poster to invite tourists to our town. You are working for Youth Travel Agency. You have been asked to prepare and present a poster about the place you live in. This poster will be put on the travel agency website and people in different countries will see it. Your aim is to make an interesting poster using the material prepared by the students in your group to attract new visitors to come to your town.
II. Речевая зарядка.
Т: Lets start. Tell us about the main attractions, sights and interesting places to visit in our town. What are the main attractions? (SINGLE ROUND ROBIN: The teacher asks the question and gives the time to think. Four students in their team name the places in turn only ones.)
T: Well done! Thank you. (Слайды с достопримечательностями города).
III. Активизация лексики по теме урока.
1. We see that there are many interesting and beautiful places to visit in our town. Many changes have happen in our town recently. Some of them are for better and some are for worth. Tell us about these changes.(CONTINUOUS ROUND ROBIN: Four students in their team one by one name the changes (in Present Perfect) till the teacher stops them. Then the teacher asks one student from the team “Table 1 Student 3 will tell us, please.”)
T: Good for you. Thank you. Well done.
2. T: To create a good poster, to write an essay we can make sentences with the help of linking words. But at first lets remember these words. Please take shits of paper and write down all the linking words you know. (Students in their team one by one write down words on a shit of paper.
Then the teacher asks student from one team to read some words, then student from another team reads some words and then the student from the last team. During the reading students should be attentive not to repeat the words and not to miss them.) Linking words: First, second, after that, finally, on the one hand, on the other hand, but, however, in addition to this, as the result, thus, moreover
T: Excellent work! Thank you.
3. T: Now you should make sentences with linking words.(THINK-WRITE-ROUND-ROBIN: students think and write their sentences on the shits of paper. Then they read their sentences in turn. Students use Ex.22p.48)
IV. Физкультурная пауза в виде одной из Learning structures (MIX PAIR SHARE)
"1. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
There is a question on the blackboard: “What should you offer to see (to visit) in your town?” The teacher asks the students to stand up and go round the classroom. The students must touch the blackboard, the door and the bookcase. They begin going around the classroom. Then the teacher stops the music and asks the students to find a nearest partner. Students begin to answer.
T: “Who is taller begins!” The students speak using “TIMED PAIR SHAIR”. The teacher switches the timer. Then the teacher switches the music on again and the process goes on.
T: Excellent. Thank you.
"2. Деление класса на команды(Corners)
T: You see two pictures “WINTER” and “SUMMER” in the corners of the classroom. Choose please what you like. We make two teams. (Ученики выбирают время года, т.е. формируют две команды).
V. Рефлексия.
1. Creating a poster. Each team gets big shits of paper, felt-tip pens of different colors (each student will draw a picture with one color to see the personal participating) and students begin to create posters: one poster for visiting our town in winter and another for visiting in summer.
2. Presentation. Then they begin to present their posters. They stand in front of the class and tell about interesting places to visit in our town and show their poster.
T: Thank you students. Great! Well done!
IV. Parking. The teacher gives the tests to the students. (Приложение1)The students do these tasks before coming out from the lesson and put the answers to the special place – PARKING.
VI. Итоги урока. Объявление оценок.
VII. Домашнее задание.
To write an essay “My home town”
Приложение 1 TESTS
Complete the following sentences with the following words.1. I think it is a good idea to …broken walls with big … .2. My town is very beautiful and … .3. Only big cities … nowadays – the smaller the place, the fewer changes better can be seen.Pleasant to live in, cover, are developed, advertisements
Complete the following sentences with the following words.1. Sometimes to… a sofa means to …your room completely. 2. Moscow …are the biggest in Europe, and some people even drive on the pavement to get around them.3. I dont understand people spending time in … or…. –I think they just waste their time.Transform, replace, traffic jams, coffee shops, teahouses, pavements,jams, coffee shops, teahouses, pavements
Word describe places Transform, turn into, pleasant to live in, cover, advertisement, traffic jams, pavement, spire, teahouse, develop, repair, create, business center, coffee shopWords describe changesTransform, turn into, pleasant to live in, cover, advertisement, traffic jams, pavement, spire, teahouse, develop, repair, create, business center, coffee shop
Write the comparatives and superlatives of the following words
Приложение 2
Four main principals ofCooperative LearningPositive interdependenceположительная взаимозависимостьIndividual accountabilityиндивидуальная ответственностьEqual participationравное участиеSimultaneous interactionодновременное взаимодействие
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