Конспект урока по английскому языку для 7 класса «Have You Ever Read O.Henry?» («Вы читали О. Генри?»)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

"Описание материала:

Урок английского языка по теме «Вы читали О. Генри?» для учеников 7 класса предлагает вариант работы (виды упражнений и алгоритм их выполнения) по подготовке учащихся к сдаче государственных экзаменов по разделам «Аудирование» и «Лексика и грамматика»

на материале краткой биографии известного американского писателя и одного из его произведений, совершенствует навыки аудирования с целью извлечения общей и детальной информации, формирует потребность и стремление расширять свой кругозор, способность к сотрудничеству.


"Выдержка из материала:

Учитель английского языка Фолюш Ольга Григорьевна Тема: Have You Ever Read O. Henry? (Вы читали О. Генри?)

Цели: социокультурный аспект: знакомство с краткой биографией американского писателя О. Генри и одним из его произведений; развивающий аспект:  тексты заданий по аудированию, задания по тексту на множественный выбор, индивидуальное задание, ТСО, портрет О. Генри, книги с произведениями писателя О. Генри.

Этапы урока Ход урока I Организационный момент. II Сообщение темы, задач урока.

III Речевая подготовка. IV Работа с текстом (развитие умений понимать текст и выбирать нужное по смыслу слово из предложенных в списке) (работа в группах). организация индивидуальной работы V Организация аудирования.

снятие лексических трудностей установка на первичное прослушивание (определение главной мысли) первичное прослушивание текста с последующей проверкой задания установка на повторное прослушивание выполнение теста на понимание услышанной информации (согласись не согласись)

самопроверка, самооценка работы по предложенным критериям очередное прослушивание текста с целью коррекции неправильных утверждений подготовка монологического высказывания (организация парной работы) индивидуальные высказывания детей домашнее задание подведение итогов окончание урока

Т: Good morning our guests! Good morning students! I’m glad to see you today! How are you? Sit down, please. What date is it today? Who is away today?

Let’s look at the blackboard. Here you can see the theme of our lesson “Have you ever read O. Henry?” So, we are going to learn more about this writer and one of his works.

You will listen to the story, read the text and have a talk about them. Let’s start with some questions. 1. What do you think about reading? Is it an important part of our life? Why? 2. Do you often read books?

3. How often do you use libraries? 4. Have you ever heard the names Mark Twain, Alan Miln, Roald Dahl, Rudyard Kipling, Luice Caroll, O. Henry? Now we are going to read the text about one of the famous American writers O. Henry.

But there are some gaps in this story. Try to complete the text and fill in the missing words. Choose from the words that are given below. Work in groups. New words: to steal красть, воровать to be accused быть обвинённым to be released быть освобождённым O. Henry O. Henry is one of the __1__ famous American short story writers. His __2__ name was William Sydney Porter and he was __3__ in Greensboro in 1862.

At the age of twenty he __4__ to Texas, where he had various jobs. In 1894 he __5__ to prison for 3 years as he was accused of stealing $4 000. In prison Porter started to __6__ his stories. After he was released from prison, he changed his name to O. Henry and moved to New York. O. Henry’s short stories are __7__ for their surprise endings and humour. He __8__ in 1910 in New York. 1. more most less 2. real first second 3.

burn burnt born 4. moved moving move 5. went go did go 6. read wrote write 7. useful glad famous 8. died diet die (Example. T: Let’s do the first sentence together. Read it, please. Read the words from the list under the first point. Let’s think what the missing word is (more, most, less?) It is correct to say “the more or less famous” (No). Is he one of the most famous writers? ‘Most’ is the correct word, write it down in the gap).

Try to continue (Do it yourselves). (Проверка выполнения задания) Т: It’s time to check up your task. What are the missing words? Well done. Read the whole text. (Read the text with me. Read it to yourself. Read it as well as you can)

Пока учащееся выполняют упражнение и осуществляют его проверку, одному из учащихся предлагаем выполнить индивидуальное задание. T: You haven’t read the text about the writer but you are very interested in the information. Make up questions about O. Henry and interview your classmates.

Содержание карточки для индивидуального задания. You haven’t read the text about the writer but you are very interested in the information. Put the words into the correct order and make up questions about O. Henry. Then interview your classmates. 1. his, name, what, real, was? 2. he, where, was, born?

move, did, he, when, to, Texas? 4. start, did, when, writing, he? 5. famous, for, what, his, stories, are, what? 6. and, when, did, O. Henry, where, die? (Проверка выполнения задания, организация беседы учащегося с классом)

T: You (P1) were to make up some questions to get information about O. Henry. Ask your questions to the pupils. And let them answer your questions. P1: Thank you for your answers. The story was interesting. I’d like you to listen to one of the most famous

O. Henry’s stories. It is called “The Gift” or “The Gift of the Magi”. To understand it better I’d like to pay your attention to some useful words and word combinations. (Снятие лексических трудностей) 1. Repeat the following words and expressions after me and match them with their Russian equivalents. 1) to count a) напугать 2) to burst into tears b) расплакаться 3) full length c) гордиться 4) to be proud d)

вся длина 5) to cut off e) гребень 6) platinum chain f) свёрток 7) there was an expression on his face g)на его лице было выражение 8) to frighten h) считать 9) package i)цепочка из платины 10) combs j) отрезать The key: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 h b d c j i g a e (T:

Let’s check up. Translate the expressions, please). 2. Listen to the text “the Gift” and say what the story is about. Read at first. The text is about a) two young people and their presents. b) Christmas presents. c) two poor young people. T: What is this text about?3. You will listen to the text one more time. Then do the comprehension test. Agree (+) or disagree (-) with the following statements. But first of all, read the statements and underline the key words.a)

Delia burst into tears because she had no money. b) Jim was Delia’s brother. c) Delia was proud of her watch. d) Jim was of proud of his hair. e) Delia sold her hair and got twenty dollars. f) She bought a platinum chain for Jim. g) There was an expression of happiness on Jim’s face when he saw Delia. h) Jim bought flowers for Delia on Christmas. i) They decided to put their presents away for a while.

(Самопроверка, самооценка работы по критериям, предложенным на доске) The key: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) True “5” 9 “4” 8-7 “3” 6-5 T: Who has got excellent (good, satisfactory) marks? Good for you (or Try better/ Well done). 4. Listen to the text again and correct the false statements. T: Let’s check it up. Answer my questions, please. 1) Who was Jim? 2) What was Delia proud of? 3) What was Jim proud of? 4) What expression was there on Jim’s face when he saw Delia?

5) What did Jim buy for Delia on Christmas? Work in pairs. Use your notes and make up a story. (P1 P2) Tell us the story about these young people (P1, P2, P3…) T: Well, you’ve learnt about O. Henry and his story. Your hometask is to retell one of these stories.

T: It’s time to finish our lesson. I hope that now you can answer the question “Have you ever read O. Henry?” positively. Thank you for your work. You get good marks today. T: Our lesson is over. Good bye!

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